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Strange Relations

A Playlist With Relationship Links

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
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I had an idea to create a playlist where after the start each subsequent song would have a related band member from the previous song, the timeline may be a bit haphazard and is probably going to be concentrated on the nineteen sixties and seventies. I have written about how some people only listen to the music of a certain era, but in my opinion, ninety-five per cent is always rubbish and it is up to us to find that five per cent.

Some bands were very moveable feasts and others were very constant. There may be some where the connections run out but we shall see how this plays.

The Nice - "America"

The Nice's take on "America" did not endear themselves to Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim with Keith Emerson's penchant for impressive keyboard destruction of classical pieces. If you want to hear more of his work check out this piece I did on him.

Emerson, Lake & Palmer - "Hoedown"

One of my favourites of ELP's take on Aaron Copland's piece from the ballet "Rodeo". The band consisted of Keith Emerson, Carl Palmer from Atomic Rooster, and Greg Lake from King Crimson.

King Crimson - "Epitaph"

This epic song from King Crimson's debut features Greg Lake on vocals. The band are led by Bob Fripp and you will know his guitar work from the stunning riff that underpins David Bowie's "Heroes".

Fripp & Eno - "The Heavenly Music Corporation"

After Brian Eno left Roxy Music he collaborated with Bob Fripp (of King Crimson) on this incredible drone work which I often let see me to sleep on headphones as a teenager. You can read more about the album and collaboration here.

Roxy Music - "For Your Pleasure"

The title track from my favourite Roxy Music album, and the last one with Brian Eno, this is almost ghostly in its construction with swathes of reverb and echo.

Roxy Music - "Street Life"

I know it's another Roxy Music song, but now Bryan Ferry was the undisputed leader after Brian Eno's departure, This was the opening song from their next album "Stranded" and featured the keyboard and violin prodigy Eddie Jobson who can be heard on this song.

Curved Air - "Metamorphosis"

Eddie Jobson was recruited from Curved Air, where he had replaced Daryl Way their previous violinist for their fourth album "Air Cut". He was responsible for about half the compositions on the album.

Curved Air - "Back Street Luv"

Sonja Kristina was the singer and a prime mover in the band, and this was their most famous single and featured the violinist Daryl Way who was replaced by Eddie Jobson.

Atomic Rooster - "Devil's Answer"

Carl Palmer the drummer with ELP came from Atomic Rooster, led by keyboard player Vincent Crane. Love the cover of their album "Death Walks Behind You" which features, I think, a William Blake representation of Nebuchadnezzar.

The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown - "Fire"

Vincent Crane provided the keyboards on Arthur Brown's biggest hit "Fire". Arthur Brown's stage persona was outrageous but took a lot of ideas from Screamin' Jay Hawkins, but was still very impressive.

Arthur Brown's Kingdome Come - "Spirit Of Joy"

After The Crazy World Arthur Brown formed Kingdom Come, one of the first bands to use a drum machine, namely the Bentley Rhythm Ace which you can see in action here.

Apparently, at one of their early gigs the Bentley Rhythm Ace went mad and played a twenty-minute drum solo, and the band were unable to do anything about it.

This is a good place to close this connected playlist.

I hope you have enjoyed it.

vintagesynthsong reviewsrockplaylistinstrumentshistoryclassicalcelebritiesbands70s music60s music

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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Comments (2)

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  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock3 months ago

    Interesting collection. I would have thought Bernstein would have been honored by the homage. And Rodeo was brilliant!

  • Babs Iverson3 months ago

    Interesting history!!! ♥️♥️💕

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