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Starting to Feel Like Halloween Again

A Halloween playlist for these unusual times.

By GirlwritesfirePublished 3 years ago 7 min read

As the sunny summer days make way for cool fall nights, there's a special time approaching: Halloween night! Now, Halloween isn't what it used to be: these days there aren't as many little witches and warlocks saying "Trick or Treat."

We miss all the costumes and candy and sweets. The sounds of laughter as kids collected baskets of treats.  It's true though, I know, the season is missing, that spark, that we are so used to feeling.

We miss the haunted houses, parties and freights. Ghosts, ghouls and goblins are nowhere in sight. Yet, we swallow our sadness, and we put on a smile. We can celebrate safely until it's safe to run wild.

Times have changed, it's plain to see; but how can we still feel Halloween?

That's why I'm here, I wrote this to help. Halloween is too special not to be felt. So turn up your speakers, blast these songs as 11 and you'll start to feel it, it's not even a question. 

One. "This is Halloween" - The Nightmare Before Christmas 

We open with Jack, the king of the show. Hell help me guide you, he knows where to go. He's a Halloween staple you see; his name is synonymous with Halloween. 

This first track is from The Nightmare Before Christmas. In this song  the skeleton king and his monster friends sing an introduction to the town called Halloween. I feel like the double use of the word makes it a great first song on my playlist. 

Two. "I put a spell on you"  - PattyCake (from Hocus Pocus)

The girls are back, they're raring to go. This party isn't a party without them, you know. 

This classic song from Hocus Pocus will send any 90s kid into a Halloween frenzy. This song starts very eerily as they summon children to be sacrificed and then turns into a musical showstopper. It reminds me of Halloweenfrom years past, because Hocus Pocus has played a part in all of them since I can remember. 

Three. "Running with the Devil" by Van Halen 

Here is a classic rock track that fits the theme of Halloween. I don't think Van Halen requires much more to have a place on a playlist. If it fits, play it.

This one is brought to you by my youngest daughter. She sings this song with all her might when it comes on the radio. When I started thinking about songs to use I kept coming back to Van Halen, so this one is for her.

Four. "Feed my Frankenstein" by Alice Cooper

This one is here for it's namesake lyric, but give it a chance and it hits when you hear it

What's more festive than Frankenstein? I like that this song gives ole Frank some attention.I know that the song is referring to something else, but for the holiday I can make that jump.

Five. "Dragula" - Rob Zombie 

Our next two songs are back to back: a real life Zombie created these tracks.

I honestly couldn't decide which one of these songs I wanted to use for this list. Rob Zombie is just such a creative genius and his asthetic is so authentically spooky that I wanted to go with both. Everything about these two songs make me feel like I did on Halloween 2012.

Six. "Living Dead Girl" - Rob Zombie

Seven. "Halloweenie 3: Seven Days" - Ashnikko 

My personal favorite on this list, Ashnikko gets track number seven. She's a total goddess and a badass, she has the best vision and I love her Halloween anthems. I went with this song because its the third and most recent track of her Halloweenie series.

Eight. "Monster" - Kanye West, Jay Z, Rick Ross, Nikki Minaj, Bon Iver

This one HITS. I have loved this song since the very first time I heard it. The verse by Nikki Minaj is masterful and it doesn't hurt that it makes you feel like a baddie.i love how they were able to maintain the theme so consistently with so many artists. 

Nine. "Tainted Love" - Soft Cell

It was important to me to use the original version of Tainted Love, it was popularized by another artist in the 90s; but I'm purposefully leaving them off of this list.

I love the tone of this song. It definitely puts me in a better state of mind.

Ten. "Bat Country" - Avenged Sevenfold 

I wanted to add a little early 00s rock to the list and this song came to mind because of the opening guitar riff. I think that the 8⁸"Bat Country" by Avenged Sevenfold  It's a great motivation song and perfect for getting you excited about the coming Holiday. 

Eleven. "Time Warp" - Rocky Horror Picture Show

Another addition that comes from the movie soundtrack variety. The Rocky Horror Picture Show isn't a Halloween movie, but nevertheless the songs macabre sound and danceable beat make it a crowd  favorite.

Twelve.  "There Will be blood" -Kim Petras

This song brings a different sound to the table. The alarming lyrics marched with the upbeat, high tempo musical track are a refreshing combination. I love being surprised when I listen to a song. 

Thirteen. "Halloween" - Misfits 

What can I saw about Halloween? This song by the Misfits match unnerving and grotesque lyrics with decent music. It's what they're famous for, so they're ode to Halloween makes my list.

Fourteen. "Pet Cemetery" - The Ramones 

A personal favorite of mine, the Ramones take on the "Pet Cemetery" conundrum. 

Fifteen. "Heathens" - 21 Pilots 

The Suicide Squad brought this one to life and it was super popular a few years ago. The lyrics will earn it a long term spot on my Halloween Playlists. Plus, it's just so catchy. 

Sixteen. "Get your freak on" - Missy Elliot 

Calling all Freaks! Missy Elliots banger is a must have in your Halloween playlist. 

Seventeen "You Can't Hide"- CK9c, Elizabeth Ann

This song is my son's contribution to the playlist. It comes from the Five Nights at Freddy's discography, which is his generation's go game if you want to have the crap scared out of you. Perfect!

Eighteen "I'm in Love with a Monster"- Fifth Harmony

This song was written for the Hotel Transylvania series. It's a feel good song about Monsters. Its a crowd pleaser too.

Nineteen. "The Monster" - Eminem ft. Rhianna

Eminem and Rihanna's banger the Monster has been a favorite of mine since it came out. Rihanna's incredible vocals combined with Eminem's fire rap lyrics is a recipe for something spectacular, and this song is proof.

Twenty. "Bad Habits" - Ed Sheeran

Bring out your inner vampire with Ed Sheeran's spooky hit song Bad Habits. 

Twenty One. "Hungry Like the Wolf" - Duran Duran

My favorite animals are wolves. I always Picture a  during a full moon when I play this classic by Duram Duran. I mad this playlist to make people Feel like it's Halloween,so that's what earned it this spot on my list.

Twenty Two. "Cradles" - Sub Urban

This one is a newbie to Halloween lists, but I like it: Sub Urban masters that freakishly catchy song thing like a seasoned pro.

Twenty Three. "You Spin Me Round" - Dead or Alive

Another example of a vocal delivery that just sets the mood that you want flawlessly. If it's a hauntingly ominous vibe that your looking for, this song is a great selection. 

Twenty Four. "Highway to Hell " - AC/DC

Another Halloween staple; Highway to Hell is sure to help bring out your inner metalhead. Its famous chorus and namesake is what makes it a magnificent addition to this list. There's also something so perfect about metal during this season that just feels right. 

Twenty Five. "Spookie Coochie" - Doechii 

Doechii is a phenomenal artist and her creepy girl style is perfection. This song is her spitting nonstop fire for almost three minutes. With plenty of horror references and witchy lines; this song is a sure Halloween favorite for rap lovers.

Twenty Six. "Season of the Witch" -Donovan 

The title of this song says it all, and I really wanted to add a song with the funky baselines that make this choice so good. It really is the season of the witch (at least of costumed ones.)This is another song that just lyrically fits this playlist.

Twenty Seven. "Ghostbusters" - Ray Parker Jr

The ghoulish (and dangerously catchy) theme song to the long-time family favorite movie Ghostbusters. The song is so popular that if you're out in public and randomly shout "Who you gonna call?" There is a very strong chance someone will reply "Ghostbusters!" That kind of energy is what this playlist is hoping to evoke.

Twenty Eight. "All Good Girls go to Hell" - Billie Ellish

Listening to her discography and only picking one song for this list was harder than I anticipated. . Her foreboding and ominous sound is a gift to music lovers, especially this time of the year. I finally picked this gem and think that it's eerily beautiful. This song in particular feels like home on a cold October night.

Twenty Nine. "Monster Mash" - Bobby Pickett, The Crypt Kickers

He did the Monster Mash and so will you when you listen to this playlist. Another one of those songs that just belongs to Halloween; The Monster Mash has been playing at Halloween events since 1962. The song is like peanut butter and  jelly; they just work.

Thirty. "Thriller" - Michael Jackson 

Last, but not least; Michael Jackson closes this show with Thriller. A song that brings even the dead back to life, and gives them a fancy choreographed dance number. 

That's all for my playlist, I hope that you listened, and I hope soon this holiday hiatus gets ended. Until then , we're all in this thing together. If you start to forget how it felt on Halloween. Christmas, New Years or whenever. You can always turn to music when you need help to remember. 


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