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New music in May. My top picks

May has been a great month for new music

By Charlie SmithPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
'Because' now streaming on spotify

I've wanted to write an article for a while now, but I just haven't found the right motivation too. Of course, I've got some pretty serious subject matters I should have covered, but it seems time has passed me by. However, I just couldn't let the last month pass me by without commenting about some of the music I have heard in the last month. So here I am 10 pm on a Tuesday, after eating a meal out with family and drinking two beers, trying to put together an article that does all the music that was released this month justice.

Big spoiler alert. All the music has been really great. It's always tough competition when you release a song (I suppose you have to release your music sometime), but this last month really takes the cake. I have even had to leave it to the very last day of this month to make sure I don't miss anything. It seems like so much good stuff that is releasing that if I didn't wait till the final hour, I might have missed a song or two. Fear, not I think I have found enough music for this article and I can assure you that it is worth listening to.

First up we have a lovely collaboration effort from the folks at New Artists Spotlight. Love the team effort on this one. The artwork is well, trippy. I like that. I like trippy.

I have known loops and loops music for a while and I must thank Twitter for that. As much as I hate regular twitter. Music Twitter isn't actually all that bad. You can find some great musical artists as the case is here. What to say about this EP? I think relaxing is a good term. The use of retro sounds gives it the nostalgia factor.

I don't really get envious of other musicians. Usually anyway. However, I must admit I wish I wrote this song. Smashing pumpkins vibes all the way. I wasn't sure how anything could top the last single wedding ring but this goes close. Really, close. If you are reading this which I am sure you are. Do us a big favour and give us the dam album already. Cheers.

Just to change things up a little we have some rap for you. 'Was it Mrs peacock?' I don't know. I'm not sure. I'm not sure about anything. After listening to this I have more questions than I have answers. The only thing I can be certain of is that you have never heard a track like this before.

The next stop is out of this world. Or rather it sounds like it. A very relaxing space exploration track. The artwork suits the soundscape.

Now, this next song begins similar to the last song. Spacey, dream but then it grounds itself. Turns itself inside out and becomes a bit of a rocker if I am honest.

We end with a relaxing little instrumental tune. What a journey we have been on. Out to space back down to earth.

Oh and I nearly forget with all the excitement I also released a track this month. 'One day some day' or 'some one day day' as some would say..... Not sure what you all reckon about that. Something slightly different from me. More singer-songwriter style and less punky. Maybe? A little bit? Let me know what you thought of the whole article and I hope found a tune or two that you will like. Be sure to check out my playlist 'Indiependant' for even more great tunes from unsigned artists. It was my birthday on Sunday (Why do I mention this?) because I am now 25 years old. I am nearly but not quite passed my best. I feel like my writing career might have peaked all ready last year, but hey who knows? Maybe I will bust out a few good articles in the coming months. Enjoy the music for now. See you soon, Charlie

album reviews

About the Creator

Charlie Smith

I'm new to this but hey I'm giving it ago. I sing and play guitar. I'm here to share a few bits of info I learn along my journey

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 years ago

    These were excellent picks!

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