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Music Marketing 101—It's Easy Like That

Time + Small Budget = Easy Peasy

By Kay MatthewsPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
By no means a high production video but it did what it was suppose to do - garnered enough attention leading to gigs/projects.

Are you an impeccably awesome musician? Do you have a band oozing with talent and energy? Well, if your answer is yes, and yes again, following some music marketing strategies, can take your band to the next level.

Yep! These marketing strategies work best for all businesses, and music is no exception. All that you need really is some time, maybe a small budget, and to follow the right techniques to market your music.

Launch your latest music…

Using platforms like iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, and promoting your music videos on popular social networking sites (Twitter, FB, Pinterest, etc) can add an extra edge to your music business, and take it to the next level. Additionally, submitting your music to playlists on platforms such as Spotify, Deezer, and Soundcloud is becoming increasingly more popular, and easier to do. Needless to say, don’t overlook the influencers—the bloggers and social media marketers. It is a growing field, and they are not hard to find.

Collaborate with other musicians…

One of the best possible ways, although not necessarily the easiest, to earn bulk fans, and enjoy huge popularity is through collaboration. If you have a new band, or if you’ve just entered the music industry, try to collaborate with ‘seasoned’ more popular artists.

When you launch a video or a MP3 file where you’re performing with a popular musician, the popularity of your music will increase. There’ll be more MP3 downloads, and people will be interested about the kind of stuff you launch and promote. In fact, many people will more likely look forward to your next release. So if you want to enjoy ultimate success in the music industry, try reaching out and collaborating with other musicians.

Ok, I can actually hear you saying “Come on, get real” regarding the last suggestion. Let me pitch a much more “do-able” idea then. Add your music to services such as AirPlay (Jango) where your music is mixed in, and played along the seasoned, popular artists. Listeners tune in to hear their favorites, and discover your music, too.

Now, in case you’re baffled with the reasons why you should market your music, the following are certain justifiable reasons. Take a look.

Increase in sales…

This is the main reason why you should promote your music. Unless you make people aware of the kind of music you make, nobody’s going to be interested about it. With proper and viable music promotion, people will get to know your music better, and they will even be interested about it. This in turn will increase the sales of your music right away, thereby adding to the profit. Thus, if you want to buck up on the sales of your music, make sure to choose the best marketing strategies.

As mentioned earlier, social media marketers are fantastic go-to sources.

Grow in popularity and recognition…

When you turn up on the music promotion of your band, you are likely to be more popular than the others. Simply choose an online platform where you can promote your music, share the links, and make people aware about the awesome stuff you make. This will increase your popularity, and more people will love the kind of music you make. There’ll be more MP3 downloads, and your band will soon be the next sensation of the city.

The Takeaways (recap):

In the current digital age, marketing music is no longer a big issue. Simply launch the videos of your gigs, live performances, and jamming sessions on popular social networking sites. You can also launch your products in Cdbaby, Amazon, and iTunes (oops Apple Music) where people will be interested to buy your music CDs. Offer awesome deals, autographs, and additional goodies to make the online package even more intriguing.

With streaming services becoming more and more popular, securing spots on playlists on such platforms as Spotify, Google Play, and, again, iTunes is one of the best ways to market your music. It may be time consuming to find and reach out to Playlisters, but well worth your time. Of course, if you have the budget, there are services that will help with this—Fiverr being one of them. You can also find the influencers and social media marketers there, too.

As soon as you follow these strategies, your music will be viral, and your band will be popular. So why wait? Market your music and videos, and enjoy unprecedented popularity from fans, and an extra edge in the music industry.


About the Creator

Kay Matthews

With our passion for discovering new music, Hip Hop Momma invites music fans from around the world to delve into a vast ocean of sounds . .. and talent.

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