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My Official Introduction To The Music Production Community

By Kevin MckinneyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
By Cedrik Malabanan On Unsplash

My name is Kevin Mckinney or my music production name is Kmcreates and I am a music producer and content creator from Chicago. I've had a love for music since I was young. In 4th grade I learned how to play the clarinet, so that was my first formal introduction to music. I continued that well into my teens/young adult age, and that's when my focus and attention switched to Hip Hop production. During that time it was about hardware so I've has a sp1200, two MPC 2000's , synths, keyboards and other outboard gear. I came up producing with a few local production teams in Chicago producing beats for our in house artists and other local artists. It was a great experience to work in the studio with the artists, giving feed back, receiving feed, learning how to run cables into mixers and all that goo stuff. back being a part of the creative process from top bottom.

During this time span after hitting what seems like a ceiling, many of my former co-producers and producer friends slowly got out the game. Some due to marriage, having children raising a family, others got on different career paths and focused on that and other hearts were not just into producing music anymore. This led me to become more of a "solo producer" as I started working by myself creating beats, selling them, reaching out to artists for collabs etc. Although I did miss working with others, I think I needed to be by myself at this time, it gave me a chance to see how much I really loved music production, despite the obstacles. Since I still produce music now, I see I was able to get past all of the potential roadblocks , which made me love it even more. Just like a few of former colleagues, I also have a 9 to 5 job and I have 2 children who are young adults. So I have even had times where I got stagnant as well on creating music or any other content , but I've never completely quit. I have had years where I didn't produce as much material as previously but I still has my hands in it. All this to bring you to who I am currently.

Over the years I started taking my music production to different places. I have acquired skills in creating hip hop music, creating House/EDM music, Urban tracks, Pop tracks and even some "corporate music". I still create beats for artists online, but more recently I've been involved in creating instrumentals for music licensing and pushing those tracks to music libraries for opportunities. This has actually been something I love doing. At first I thought that producing sync music tracks would be more of a job than fun creativity, but I was wrong. This path has also led me into taking sound design more serious, and it has broaden my horizons over all as a music producer. I now get to produce any genre and possibly get paid for it. Also to be able to hear your music on TV shows and /or commercials is not a bad perk either. I do sometimes miss working with artists as much as I used to, but I can even work with artists in sync to produce full songs. It's just a different part of the industry that exists an option.

So what is my purpose for creating blog posts? Well that's simple, to share information, to share anything that I know that can help producers, motivate them and build relationships with other producers and musicians who want to connect. I'm also all for listening to others as I will turn down any advice given. All of us have something to give, whether that's advice, a tutorial, a quick tip or or other. That's what will keep the music production community strong and progressing. I know many producers want to get better and their craft and I do too, hopefully these posts and information can help someone out there reach their goal. Please leave feed back, or even subscribe to my social media pages at @kmccreates, I would love to hear what you have to say .


About the Creator

Kevin Mckinney

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