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I Love The Rain


By Colleen Millsteed Published about a month ago 4 min read
Photo courtesy of the Author

Things have cooled down here in Australia now that we’ve moved into autumn but that doesn’t mean the end to our summer rain. No, it can still periodically fall from the sky and most of the time I love it; although I don’t like the rain in winter when I’m already cold and miserable.

A hot summer day or a moderate autumn day, I love to watch the dark clouds descend upon our heads and the sprinkle of raindrops upon the roof.

I can’t help but smile at these times and the world feels like it’s born anew; all clean and sparkly, green and luscious, cooling temperature and humid air. Yeah, how can I not smile at that?

Along with my smiling face, I find I too am reborn, my troubles are washed away, my world looks and feels brighter and my mood rises. I feel lucky to be alive.

And don’t get me started on the smell of a fresh shower of rain.

Heaven to the senses.

After those first few minutes of tepid sprinkles, down she pours and the crescendo on the roof heightens, until I’m laughing with joy.

This just happens to be my favourite weather and if it turns into a gods rave, well all the better. Let the light show dance before your eyes, highlighting our beautiful surroundings in the spotlight.

The clashing of their drums as they thunder off into the distance, in time to the lightening display, is magic to the ears.

The music singing from the heavens is our very own personal festival. One in which I’m a willing participant.

Take a bow Mother Nature, as you truly deserve the accolade.

But there’s a time and place for everything and 99.9% of the time, I say rain, glorious rain.

However, there is that 0.01% of the time that I beg for the rain to hold off just a little while longer and last Saturday night was one of those times.

I had my long awaited ticket in my hot little hand as I drive to ‘ A Day on the Green’ music festival, an hour away from where I live. I’d waited months for this day.

There were four great musical acts performed over the course of the afternoon / evening, from 3pm to 7:30pm. Then at 8pm the headline act would make an entrance.

The rain threatened with a sprinkle here and there but mainly held off. Thank you Mother Nature as this is an open air festival.

I had a coveted front row seat, right in the middle, facing the stage with the singers no more than two metres directly in front of me.


Especially excited when the headlining act was due to hit the stage; best seat in the house!

The headliner was no other than American Singer, Chris Isaak.

Seeing this performer has been on my bucket list for over thirty years and the day had finally arrived.


10 minutes prior to Chris Isaak hitting the stage, Mother Nature opened the floodgates to heaven and down it poured.

Unfortunate, but nothing deters an Australian and the crowd stayed, determined to stick it out for such a monumental occasion.

Chris admitted he expected to hit the stage to find the audience had deserted him, but it was not so. We were all there cheering him on.

Thousands of wet, bedraggled and drowned rats, all screaming his name.

It sure was a sight to see and I’m proud of my Australian colleagues as we stood our ground in the rain, the mud and the cold.

It continued to bucket down for the entire Chris Isaak performance, only slowing to a drizzle approximately 15 minutes after he left the stage.

It was an epic concert regardless and if I had a chance to do it all over again, I’d not hesitate a second.

It may have been one of the few times I didn’t worship the rain, but I gladly suffered through it for an epic concert, by a fabulous entertainer and a voice that has been singing to me for many, many decades.

Chris Isaak rocks!

Here is a video I took on the night so you too can experience Chris Isaak through the ambience of the rain.

This piece was written in response to a prompt I was invited to join by Alec Zarenkiewicz (Medium writer).

The Prompt :


The staple of April. Do you love it or hate it? I bet you like Petrichor. I heard it’s especially fragrant in the desert. Does it rain often near you? or do you live in California? You can’t deny the romantic aura a dance in the rain creates. Don’t let a little water get you down!

Please click the link below my name to read more of my work. I would also like to thank you for taking the time to read this today and for all your support.

If you enjoy this piece, you may enjoy this one too.

Please visit my website if you'd like more information on my newly published book, Battle Angel : The Ultimate She Warrior.

Originally published on Medium

festivalsconcert80s music

About the Creator

Colleen Millsteed

My first love is poetry — it’s like a desperate need to write, to free up space in my mind, to escape the constant noise in my head. Most of the time the poems write themselves — I’m just the conduit holding the metaphorical pen.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Chris must have been so pleasantly surprised that no one bailed on him. That must have made his day! I'm happy you had a great time too, despite the rain.

  • Mariann Carrollabout a month ago

    The rain certain made the music more magical. I love the rain also. It does make the grass greener like new born reblishing after drinking it’s milk. Thanks for sharing your music festival experience ❤️💗♥️

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