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A Song , A Muse , A Vocal Creation

How Music and A Muse Can Spark Your Creativity

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
Ode To Joy

We are all writers and we all need inspiration. You may be lucky and words may pour from your pen.

Euterpe is the Muse of Music , but your Muse may be what you listen to, A friend , a lover , a soul mate , a place , surroundings , a pet , almost anything that inspires you.

I am unlucky that I cannot just write , but lucky enough to have a Muse that inspires me. My Muse does not tell me what to write , but really joust oils my creative machinery and enables me to see things with a new perspective.

I do slightly worry I will lose my Muse , but I think we are all in a similar position.

I find music inspiring to me especially that songs that make me recall my Muse so here we have a list of songs with YouTube videos that inspire me as I write and connect me and put me in a creative place with the odd goosebumps from some of them. I haven't included all but they are available on YouTube if you search , and what I have included should inspire you

In no particular order

Romeo And The Lonely Girl - Thin Lizzy . A gorgeous song of lost love with a truly stunningly beautiful guitar solo from the album “Jailbreak”. It almost doesn't belong there but this and “Running Back” really make me feel like I am in a beautifully warm and loving place.

Do I love You , Indeed I Do - Frank Wilson . Once the most expensive vinyl sing ever sold, but one of the best soul songs you will ever hear. On a lot of compilations so a bit easier to find these days.

Fur Elise - Ludwig Van Beethoven - Wonderfully calming , but not published until forty years after Beethoven’s death . Classical music and music from shows can take you into other world and really oil your creative wheels.

Embryonic Journey - Jefferson Airplane - This is the sort of thing that makes me thing I should ditch every musical instrument I have because it is so beautifully played.

White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane - One of the only “rock” songs I know in tango time taking you into Alice's Wonderland laced by illegal drugs and again my mind is on it’s creative journey and who knows what you may find.

Atom Heart Mother - Pink Floyd - Twenty minutes , orchestrated by Ron Geesin some epic music that is perfect to write to.

Echoes - Pink Floyd - Another long oceanic piece with atmospheric lyrics for you to get lost in to discover your ideas , managed to find the stunning "in wave" Crystal Voyager video on YouTube.

I Dreamed A Dream from Les Misérables - I have chosen the stunning Tom Ellis version from “Lucifer” , but any musical soundtrack or film can inspire you to create as sometimes the emotion engulfs you as in this performance.

Ode To Joy - Ludwig Van Beethoven - The finale to the ninth symphony and incredibly uplifting , but lots of classical music can do that as well as new music. Good music is good music and it will inspire you.

Hoppipola - Sigur Ros . Wile all their music is inspirational , this gorgeous piece (apparently meaning "Hopping Into Puddles will make you want more. Often on my player while I write.

On this post I am realizing that long piece and complete albums are the best ways to go . You cannot compose a story in five minutes unless it’s a haiku or a limerick. So even someone as slapdash as me will take an hour or two to produce something.

This has taken me well over and hour so the soundtrack of “Les Misérables” , a Beethoven Symphony or anything that inspires you is a wonderful soundtrack to your creative process.

I could have made this much longer but it’s really a snapshot of the sort of things that I listen to as I create. If you check these out you may things that you love as well and spark you into writing a poem or create that killer story.

Find your Muse , and Find your Music.


About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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Vocal Tips


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