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A Playlist For A Rainy Day

Today Is Cold And Rainy, So A Few Related Tunes

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
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Today's weather is dreich and dark and rainy. It is also cold, so hardly inspirational, but there is a lot of music that addresses rain, so I thought I might share a few favourites of mine that will brighten anyone's day, even days like this.

"Rainy Days And Mondays" by The Carpenters

The Carpenters were a favourite of my mum's and while sometimes they could be twee, mostly they were uplifting and beautiful. Karen's voice was amazing and she also played drums, which is no mean feat for anyone. This song contains two things in the title that we very often don't like.

Billy Connolly said there is no such thing as bad weather, you just need to wear the right clothes (well something like that). So this kicks off our rainy day playlist.

"Have You Ever Seen The Rain" - Creedence Clearwater Revival

Creedence Clearwater Revival are responsible for so many brilliant songs, often incredibly simple to play, although this one is a little more complex, but it really does touch you. This is a wonderful video featuring Jack Quaid from "The Boys", Sasha Frolova, and Erin Moriarty.

"Rain And Tears" by Aphrodite's Child

Very mawkish, you can find much better stuff on their album "666", Denis Roussos and Vangelis (Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou ) produced a lot more worthy work than this such as "The Four Horsemen" that you can check out below.

"Rain" by The Beatles

This was the "B" side of "Paperback Writer" and as such paired two of my favourite Beatles songs on a single seve-inch piece of vinyl. Rumour has it that on the original release that Macca's bass was so heavy that it caused the needle to jump out of the groove. I have a reissue and don't have that problem but the bass is still as heavy as hell, so it my just be an urban legend.

"Here Comes The Rain Again" by The Eurythmics

Some excellent eighties drama from Dave Stewart and Annie Lennox. Maybe it's just me but this sounds as fresh today as when it first hit the radio waves.

"It's Raining" by The Darts

I loved The Darts from the off. Their looks may have been a little shambolic, but their sound was gorgeous and while the band (all former members of Rock Sharpe and The Razors/Replays) mostly did rock and roll covers this was a beautiful song penned by band member Griff Fender"

"I Wish It Would Rain" by The Faces

This first appeared as a "B" side to one of their singles but it was never off my player and I still love this brilliant cover of The Temptations song.

"The Rain Song" by Led Zeppelin from "Houses of the Holy"

A poignant piece from the band that features some beautiful guitar lines and orchestral embellishments which sound like a mellotron, the most awkward of instruments to play.

"Dry The Rain" by The Beta Band

I have difficulty describing the sound of The Beta Band, but I do love it. Beautifully relaxing. By the time you reach the coda to "Dry The Rain" with its descending brass line it's like you are in a gorgeously warm bath.

I love their's and Steve Mason's solo work as well. I reviewed his "Meet The Humans" album here.

"A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" by Bryan Ferry

At the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Bob Dylan thought that our time was up and peened these lines in a stream-of-consciousness piece that luckily never came to pass. Ten years later Bryan Ferry turned Dylan's folk piece into a classic pop piece complete with sound effects, and I know have have probably missed your favourite song about rain, but maybe there will be a follow-up for that.

Thank you so much for reading and listening.

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About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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  • Daphsam5 months ago

    A wonderful playlist! Love "The Rain Song" by Led Zeppelin from "Houses of the Holy".

  • When I think of songs to do with rain, so many Taylor Swift songs come to mind. You put together an awesome playlist!

  • Beautiful playlist. Everything played here except for Dylan.

  • Rene Peters6 months ago

    I'll have to check out some of these when I'm feeling better

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