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Starry Night

My favorite Van Gogh piece

By Flying AcePublished 29 days ago 3 min read

Ever since I was a kid, I was always known to change my mind quite frequently about what I wanted to be when I grew up. It would range from joining the military, becoming an astronaut, becoming an interior designer, etc. Now I am in the field where I feel I belong but that's not the story I'm sharing here.

One of the many careers I was interested in was astronomy. As history has told us, we have always looked at the sky for answers to some of the deepest questions that exist unanswered in the world today. Even "Interstellar" made a jab at how much humanity wanted to explore the stars and find the answers hidden within our solar system and beyond. My uncle was an astronomer in Mexico and he still is, so it was always cool seeing his posts on facebook and hearing his stories of his work. I think some of my favorite field trips were to the observatory. I always had this intense feeling of curiosity when it came to the stars. One of the ideal dates that I would like to go on involves just sitting and staring at the stars, preferably in a truck bed with blankets and snacks. I also remember having countless books that talked about the constellations and our galaxy.

So, Starry Night. Although it is kind of a weird perspective of the night sky and the stars, it is still very beautiful. I love the swirls that Van Gogh added to the sky, sometimes to me personally, it feels like if you stare at it long enough the swirls begin to move. I thought that was unique of Van Gogh to put into his painting, I didn't imagine that we could have swirls in the night sky until I saw people posting pictures of people being able to see the Milky Way galaxy with the naked eye in certain places in the world. It's also very interesting that he decided to paint the stars in a circular shape instead of the typical way we draw stars. I found out in school that stars aren't shaped like how we see them in drawings or stamps but instead, they look like "pinholes in the curtains of heaven", and are filled with gas and glow different colors based on if they are hot or cold.

In South Dakota, I was able to witness some shooting stars while we hung out at the lake, and those were incredible to see. Since we saw a shooting star we also made a wish, so I was able to mark that off the bucket list. It is just so cool to see pictures of what a portion of the galaxy looks like thanks to the technology that we have been blessed with. My favorite nebula is the Eagle Nebula. I love the colors and the beauty of that nebula, and my favorite planet has always been Neptune. I like Neptune partly because I was a huge Percy Jackson fan, Poseidon was always my favorite, and Neptune was named after him.

Furthermore, to finish off, Starry Night is my favorite because of Van Gogh's portrayal of the night sky. I also have a sphere that has Starry Night on it and it spins every time light touches it, which just adds to the beauty of Starry Night. It is my hope one day to be able to go to the Van Gogh experience and be able to witness and experience Starry Night on a whole other level. So here's to my fellow art lovers, and if you all have other art pieces that you all like please feel free to comment.

Thank you and God Bless.


About the Creator

Flying Ace

Jesus loving, American Patriot

"The price of freedom is high, it always had been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, so be it." - Captain America

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