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Secret Joy

The Inner World

By Tahmid IslamPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Secret Joy
Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

Our current world is constantly changing, particularly in this modern age. The implementation of AI across different sectors has raised worries about the stability of jobs for many people. With rumors of global conflicts circulating, numerous individuals are giving in to fear brought on by extraordinary transformations that have never been witnessed before.

Living in a constant state of fear can impede our personal development and hinder our capacity to carry out our daily responsibilities. It is crucial to resist allowing fear to dominate us, as it has the potential to obstruct us from embracing life to its fullest extent. Every person's path is distinct, with no two individuals encountering the exact same experiences.

I came to realize that the moments when fear consumed me to the extent that it became difficult to breathe were caused by the stories and information circulating on the internet, social media platforms, blogs, and even within religious establishments .Through facing my most profound fears, I came to realize my inner strength. By conquering those difficult situations, I have evolved into an improved individual today.Confronting my deepest fears revealed my true resilience. Overcoming those challenges has led to my growth and development into a better version of myself . I have acquired the ability to not allow fear to control my life, regardless of how trivial it may appear.

We each hold an inherent divine essence within ourselves, granted to us during the very instance of our inception. This essence, akin to a seed, necessitates care and cultivation in order to foster growth in our spiritual, psychological, emotional, and physical realms.In spite of the turmoil that envelops our surroundings, every individual possesses the capacity to dwell in a tranquil state. From my personal experience, I have come to realize that nurturing my spiritual fortitude and resilience is most effectively achieved through maintaining an unwavering bond with God.It is essential to maintain a constant connection with God, not just during challenging times, but throughout our lives. I am grateful for every little thing I possess in this world, regardless of its size or apparent insignificance.

Acknowledging the elements for which you should express gratitude, such as fundamental essentials like nourishment, accommodation, and well-being, can result in an enhanced feeling of satisfaction and a willingness to embrace further blessings that align with your appreciation.

Over the years, a large number of people have been conditioned to think that true happiness depends on the amount of wealth they have or the number of material possessions they acquire during their lifetime . Nevertheless, through my personal experiences and interactions with individuals, I have come to realize that even individuals who possess considerable financial resources and indulge in lavish lifestyles continue to struggle in their quest for happiness .Even though they strongly believe that obtaining material possessions will lead to happiness, they still face challenges in discovering genuine contentment.

Genuine happiness can only be discovered from within, rather than from external sources. When you cultivate a spiritual comprehension of happiness, the importance of material possessions diminishes, allowing a more profound sense of satisfaction to emerge. Through self-reflection and reestablishing a connection with your higher power , you uncover the true happiness that resides inside.

Life is a remarkable journey, unquestionably brimming with obstacles that need to be overcome. Nevertheless, if you have the bravery to shift your attention inwardly instead of ceaselessly seeking external means of satisfaction, which are ultimately unattainable, you will achieve genuine contentment.

Best wishes for a bright future.

Contemporary Artstartupfuture

About the Creator

Tahmid Islam

I love this site and i want people learn good thins with me.

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