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This Way to Find Out Who Hates You

Realizing early is better

By Emil indwPublished 14 days ago 3 min read
This Way to Find Out Who Hates You
Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

What is a friend anyway? You understand a friend is someone you can talk to and want to get to know you well. friends are not like close friends, because friends will have a distance. Personal things will be more hidden because you realize, not everyone can be trusted.

Some people say, the many friends you have, there will be one or several who originally dislike you and even hate you. One of the characteristics that dislikes you, can be seen when you manage to get what you want. They will be cold and don't want to know about it. But that's only part of it.

Below are 5 characteristics that show that someone originally hates you.

  1. Always trying to comment without a solution
By The Jopwell Collection on Unsplash
    They say that every friend we have will comment on things about us. Whether it's clothes or things we have. But, if that person originally hates you, he will continue to comment on negative things that basically make you not confident and you feel sorry for having that item. So, when you ask him a question, he will change the subject.

2. Always following your social media accounts

By charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Often you feel that you are being followed by someone, to the point where he wants to know all your social media accounts. At first he asked you directly, but after you followed his account, after a few days, he was no longer your follower. Surprised, right?

In addition, your comments are often ignored. Sometimes the person says, "Don't tag me later", this comment may make you sad for a moment, but now he is ashamed of the people who become his followers, when they know you are close to him.

3. Always shows a lot of masks in front of you

By Jalil Saeidi on Unsplash

This friend of yours loves to show off her vanity. Like where they've been on vacation, what they've bought and who they're close with now. Apart from boasting, they have many masks when other people are around.

If your friend is in a work environment, he will sometimes show off his closeness to the boss. Every time you make a mistake, she will talk about it in front of others. So that you look weak and he is great. Wow! What a hypocrite.

4. Trying to get someone close to you to stay away

By Redd F on Unsplash

Usually this person will be very nice to you at the beginning of the introduction. Then secretly like to pay attention to anyone who interacts with you. Once you're busy, he tries to get close to the person you've been chatting with.

However, gradually you feel shunned by people who have been close to you. Strange, isn't it? The way to know he is trying to make you friendless is to see how he communicates with others, whether it looks okay.

If it turns out that he looks nervous and scared when you approach them. Then, it is certain, you are being demonized behind your back. By the time this person succeeds in making you friendless, he or she will stay away from you too.

5. Jealous of you achieving your dream

When you succeed with your achievements, there will be someone who behaves casually. It's as if his attitude doesn't show pride or even congratulations.

If you still doubt that sign, just try talking to him about things that make you happy. And it is certain that the response he gives you:

a. lazy listening

b. busy playing cellphone

c. or sometimes will invite other people to talk

People who hate you but are invisible are the ones who will always give you poison for yourself. They will hold you back from being the best version of you.

The older you get, the more selective you should be in choosing your close friends!


What I wrote above is based on my observations in real life. So, if you find something else, please write it down below this comment. Thanks for visiting and reading! May you always be blessed with goodness and happiness :)

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About the Creator

Emil indw

I always use the people around me as inspiration in my writing. They will be special people if you know how to write about them.

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