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The Dummies' Guide To Digital Marketing for Startups

“The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.” – Tom Fishburne, Founder of Marketoonist

By Arsalan HaroonPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
The Dummies' Guide To Digital Marketing for Startups
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

It's essential to do Digital marketing for startups and even for large corporations. Because without the best digital marketing strategy, your startup couldn't earn anything.

If it doesn't earn anything, it means your startup will fail.so digital marketing for startups is essential if they want to become successful and have loyal customers.

When you start a startup, there are many things you need to do by yourself as a founder. Because you don't hire lots of people to work for your startup at the beginning.

The main goal for a startup after creating a great product is to market that product. So their audience can know this product exists and, if your product solves your audience problem, they make a purchase as well.

Which ultimately makes you profits and the more profitable your startup gets. The more successful it becomes in the future.

So now we know that digital marketing for startups is essential if they want to succeed. But most startup founders don't realize that this is one of the most crucial steps for their success. Some startups fail because they don't focus much on developing a digital marketing strategy.

So let's learn why digital marketing for startups is crucial and what digital marketing strategy will help you get effective results at a lower cost.

So it can make your startups reach more of your target audience and become successful in the future.


9 FREE Ways To Promote Your Business

Build a responsive website design

By Igor Miske on Unsplash

If you are creating your site and the first impression your audience will have is your site. If your site doesn't look good and doesn't have mobile responsiveness.

People will not trust your brand because it makes a bad impression on your startup. Most people have great products, But their sites look terrible where they sell their products.

Treat your site like your physical store where your customers will come and keep that store clean and good-looking. So it can attract more customers and make your startup successful.

Building a mobile-friendly and good-looking website not only makes your customer feel good but also helps you rank higher on Google SERP.

Content Marketing

By Austin Distel on Unsplash

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.”–Andrew Davis, Bestselling Author and Keynote Speaker

Content is one of the best ways to reach out to your audience without spending your money to get the audience. If you create content whether it is a blog, video, ebook, Podcasts.

If that content helps your audience in solving their problem. Then, whenever they have similar problems. They always come to you.

Because you build that trust, and you can sell your product to them. They know it will solve their problem. Because you build that type of trust among your audience.

Content marketing is a process of creating content and marketing that content to your target audience. It's the best digital marketing strategy for startups to grow successfully.

Because it doesn't require you to spend money on ads to get an audience. This strategy for startups will help you reach new customers and build trust. So they keep coming back to you.

Most startups don't do content marketing and, they are more focused on advertising, and most of the time, they run out of money. Because they spend too much on advertising.

If you want to create an audience who always comes back to you and buys your product. You have to do content marketing for startups which makes your marketing strategy successful at a lower cost.


Guide To Content Marketing Strategy That Will Grow Your Business 90%


By Merakist on Unsplash

Search Engine Optimization is a crucial field of digital marketing for startups. Because it can give you organic traffic without spending money to get an audience if you take the time to learn to practice SEO.

In 1 year or 2, you can get thousands of traffic into your site. SEO creates more customers and, it also means more profits which result in your startup's success.

Don't miss doing seo for your startup because it is a way for startups to generate traffic without spending money. Isn't that great?

Most startup founders learn SEO and, they do it for 2-3 months. So if they don't get results, they stop this work on another strategy to market their product.

But you have to understand, SEO requires time, probably 1 or 2 years to get great results. Seo is for those startups who want long-term success and have patient, hard-working, persistence as well.

Today digital marketing for startups allows them to reach their target audience easily at a lower cost, and sometimes it doesn't even require spending money to get an audience.


3 Types of Seo You Need to Get More Organic Traffic

Build a social media presence

By Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Social media is a great way to engage with your customers. So customers don't forget your business. Because you keep them engaged with your posts. This creates a great relationship between you and your customers.

Social media presence is essential for every startup and, you can also get many customers through social media if you do social media marketing.

Almost half of the world's population uses social media. It means billions of people use social media each day. which creates an Effective opportunity for startups to advertise their business through social media marketing.

Although it requires money to spend on ads, But it's worth it because it gives incredible ROI if you do it rightly.

Facebook has around 2.85 billion active monthly users, Instagram has 1 billion active users, LinkedIn has 690 million users in the world. It is a huge number of people. You can easily choose your social media channels and promote your startup with social media marketing.

Most people make a mistake when creating a social media marketing strategy. They target all social media channels, Which is not a good thing.

You have to target at least two social media channels that best work for you and where you can find your target audience.

For example, if you have a B2B business, you can target LinkedIn to get your customers. You have to research what social media works best for you.

Creating social media presence and doing advertising is not enough to keep your customers engage. You have to provide the content that can provide value to the audience. that content could be a video, image, infographics, etc. Any type of content that can help your customers and provide value in their life.

It can create more trust for your business in their mind. Today, Digital marketing for startups can give many options to reach their customers easily and effectively.

Related: 3 Strategies For Social Media Marketing Success

Email Marketing

By Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

“I want to do business with a company that treats emailing me as a privilege, not a transaction.” – Andrea Mignolo

Most people think that today email marketing is not worth putting in your digital marketing strategy. But you have to know that email marketing is still effective and, it still helps you create a relationship with your customers by giving them a personal email to their email address.

But most people use email marketing and look spammy. They send 3 to 5 emails per day to people, which is not a good thing. But some people don't use it at all for their business. Both are making huge mistakes. One is overdoing it and, the other is not doing it at all. You have to be in the middle.

You have to send only 3 to 4 a week and don't send two emails every day, Send one email a day or a week, which works best for you.

But make sure you don't send them an email for the sake of selling. But instead, you have to make sure you provide value in your email and give additional content links, which can help them. Email marketing can build personal relationships with your customers. Because you are reaching out to Them directly at their email address.

Email marketing for startups can allow you to build relationships with previous clients. So they don't forget your business, and you can reach new clients who need your product or service.

Most people don't know how to collect audience emails. For this, you can create any free ebook, free online course, etc. Which gives you an audience email address. Advertising that free content then, when someone wants your free ebook or free online course, they have to give their email address.

So once you collect their email address, you don't need to retarget them again with paid advertising because you already have their email address. Then why spend money on paid marketing when you reach out with email marketing.

Final Thoughts

You can now see that digital marketing for startups is a crucial and effective way to get customers and become a successful business in the future.

Most startups depend on agencies to do their digital marketing. But personally, if you are a startup, I prefer you to do it by yourself. So you can not forget any important task and do more hard work to achieve great results.

Having a great product that solves your customer's problems is good. But your product is still useless if you didn't reach out to any audience who can buy your product.

Digital marketing for startups is as important as creating a product that targets audience needs.

“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” – Joe Chernov

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About the Creator

Arsalan Haroon

Writer┃SEO Expert┃Investor

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