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Old Reddit - Everything You Need To Know About

Learn all about Old Reddit - the original discussion site for sharing ideas, stories, and opinions. Get the facts on how it works and why it's still so popular today!

By Md Fahad AlamPublished about a year ago 11 min read

Old Reddit is the original version of the website, with a simpler and more straightforward interface compared to the redesign. Users can choose to use the old interface by opting out of the redesign in their settings.

Some users prefer it, as it is simpler and not customizable. Here's what you need to know:

It has a straightforward layout, with titles, thumbnails, and comment counts of posts from the subreddits you are subscribed to.

You can switch between "Hot," "New," "Top," and "Controversial" posts, and toggle between subreddits with ease.

No hover feature, where you preview a post by hovering your cursor over it.

Switch back to Old Reddit by clicking "Opt out of the redesign" in the drop-down menu.

Tip: Install the Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) extension to enhance your experience on Old Reddit.

What is Old Reddit?

Old Reddit has been around since 2005! It's an older version with a simpler interface. People know it for its strong community. It's a great place to get reliable info and opinions. Check out Old Reddit's features to understand it better.

How did Old Reddit come into existence?

Old Reddit is a term for the website version before 2018. It started in 2005, and was a basic message board with a simple design and user interface. It quickly became popular with people who wanted to share their ideas and talk about different topics.

As Reddit changed, it got more complicated and some people found it hard to use. This led to Old Reddit, which is still popular today because of its easy-to-use design.

What are the primary differences between Old Reddit and New Reddit?

Old Reddit, or 'Reddit Classic', is the simpler version of the Reddit platform. It has a text-based design & offers compact views of threads and subreddits. Plus, users can customize their experience with themes & skins.

New Reddit, however, is more modern & visually appealing. It focuses on imagery & has infinite scrolling. Plus, you can use live video & image galleries, which Old Reddit doesn't offer. Lastly, it's more secure.

Pro tip: Old Reddit for a simpler, text-based experience. New Reddit for a sleek, modern look.

How is Old Reddit perceived by its users?

Old Reddit is the ancestor of the redesign that many users know today. It's a web page that strips away a lot of the modern graphics and noise. Instead, it presents content in a more basic format. Old Reddit stands for the initial form of the website. Users have different reactions, but generally it is liked for keeping the layout before 2018.

The advantages of Old Reddit are its simplicity and lack of fuss. This makes navigation and finding content easier. However, some users don't enjoy the old-fashioned design and prefer the modern feel of the Reddit redesign. Still, many seasoned Reddit users still use Old Reddit.

Pro Tip: If you want to try Old Reddit, just change the URL from "www.reddit.com" to "old.reddit.com".

Key Features of Old Reddit:

Old Reddit is a super-duper user-friendly social news website. It's renowned for its simple design and easy-to-navigate features. Such as: saving articles, customizing profile pages. This makes it one of the most popular online community destinations. To understand how Old Reddit works, let's explore its key features!

User Interface and Navigation

User Interface & Navigation are essential for a good user experience on a website. With Old Reddit, users enjoy a simpler and more straightforward browsing experience, with key features accessible quickly. Here's what Old Reddit offers:

Clear Navigation Bar: Located at the top of the page, the navigation bar helps find different categories & subreddits quickly.

Customizable Layout: Users get to choose how they view content.

Keyboard Navigation: Keyboard shortcuts make browsing fast & efficient, without having to leave the keyboard.

Threaded Comment System: Easily follow conversations & respond to comments.

Overall, Old Reddit has a simple & customizable UI & efficient navigation, making it a popular choice for users who value convenience & functionality.

Pro Tip: Get the most out of Old Reddit with keyboard shortcuts for faster browsing!

Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES)

Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) is a browser extension that boosts the Reddit experience on the old design. Get these awesome features:

Night mode - view Reddit comfortably in a dark mode.

User tags - tag others with helpful info (like "friend" or "troll").

Keyboard shortcuts - navigate Reddit quickly.

Live comment preview - see how your comment will look as you type.

Infinite scroll - new posts automatically load without clicking.

RES makes Reddit user-friendly and even more customised.

Pro tip: Get this extension in your browser for the best Reddit experience.

Community-Driven Content

The core of Reddit is community-driven content, and Old Reddit is the best way to experience it! You should know about these key features:

Subreddit Sidebar: Moderators can add helpful links, guides, and resources to the customisable sidebar. This encourages community-driven content, and connects members to info they need.

Multireddits: This allows users to combine different subreddits into one stream - or view each one separately. It promotes community, and encourages collaboration.

Comment Navigation: The interactive UI makes it easy to upvote, downvote, and comment. This encourages user engagement and community contribution.

Reader Friendly Interface: Old Reddit has a neat design, making it easy for users to browse and find what they need.

Take advantage of Old Reddit's features and get the most out of your Reddit experience!

Moderation Options

Old Reddit provides subreddit moderators with various moderation choices. Here are some of the main features:

Modqueue: This permits mods to examine posts/comments which have been flagged by users or caught by filters prior to appearing on the subreddit.

Ban tools: Mods can ban single users or whole sites, stopping them from posting/commenting.

Flair: Flair can be used to classify posts or recognize a user's role in the community, e.g. "Moderator" or "Verified User."

AutoModerator: This lets mods set up automated rules for approving/removing posts/comments based on criteria like keywords or account age.

Old Reddit's moderation options give mods the tools they need to keep their subreddit neat and safe for all users.

Privacy and Security

Old Reddit may not be as sleek and modern as its redesign sister site, but it does offer increased privacy and security features. Let's take a look at a few of them:

HTTPS Encryption: This is enabled on Old Reddit by default, shielding your data from potential hackers, and keeping your activity private.

No Ads: Unlike the redesign, Old Reddit is ad-free, meaning you won't be exposed to any potentially malicious content.

No Snooping: Old Reddit won't track or store your data, so your personal information will remain confidential.

With Old Reddit, you can get a secure, private browsing experience without compromising on features or content. So, why not give it a try today?

Bonus tip: Make sure to always use a VPN for maximum online privacy and security!

How to Use Old Reddit

Do you want to experience the classic features of Reddit? Old Reddit is here for you! It's an alternative to the modern design of Reddit.

Let's discover how to use it! What does Old Reddit offer? Benefits? How can it help you make the most out of the platform? All these questions answered in this article. Let's dive in!

Creating an Account and Signing In

Create a new account on Old Reddit? Easy-peasy! Just follow these steps:

Head to old.reddit.com and click the "Sign Up" button at the top-right corner.

Fill in your username, email, and password.

Hit the "Create Account" button at the bottom.

To sign in, here's what you gotta do:

Go to the Old Reddit website and click on the "Log In" button, top-right corner.

Type in your username or email and password in the fields provided.

Click the "Log In" button and you're good to go!

By creating an account and signing in, you can personalize your experience. Plus, you'll get access to features like commenting, upvoting/downvoting, and saving content.

Browsing and Searching for Content

The previous version of Reddit, Old Reddit, was replaced in 2018. But, some users still prefer it because of its simpleness and customizability. Knowing how to use Old Reddit is a skill that long-time Redditors should master, since it is easier to browse and search content. Here are some tips:

To access Old Reddit, just add "old." before "reddit.com" in the URL, like "old.reddit.com".

Customizing the look can be done quickly by clicking the preferences button and picking the options you want.

To browse and search for content, use the subreddit search on the right side of the page. You can also use the advanced search feature to find specific content.

To browse content based on your interests, think about subscribing to subreddits. They can be found on the main page or by searching for one.

Posting and Commenting on Old Reddit

Old Reddit is a classic version of the popular website. It's adored by users for its simplistic design and features.

Here's how to post and comment on Old Reddit:


Go to the subreddit of your choice.

Click on the "Submit a new text post" button.

Type in your post's title.

Add your content in the text box.

Pick a post flair.

Then hit the "Submit" button.


Scroll down to the comments section of the post.

Type your comment in the text box beneath the post.

You can format the text with markdown syntax.

Press the "Save" button to confirm your comment.

Pro Tip: Old Reddit allows for more personalization. For example, you can install a Reddit Enhancement Suite. This adds extra features, shortcuts, and the ability to customize display themes.

Customizing User Preferences

Customize your Old Reddit preferences and make browsing easier. Go to the top-right corner of the homepage and use the "preferences" link. Change your display name, password and email address.

Enable or disable stylesheets, breadcrumbs and other interface elements. Set your privacy settings - like who can send you private messages. And also customize how notifications appear. Take the time to customize your user preferences. It will help streamline your experience and make it more enjoyable.

Old Reddit vs New Reddit

Reddit - an online forum for users to chat about different topics. It recently changed from Old Reddit to New Reddit. What are the pros and cons? Let's dig in and find out which one is best for you.

Pros and Cons of Using Old Reddit

Old Reddit and New Reddit are two forms of the well-known website. Here are the pros and cons of Old Reddit:


Recognizable interface; simpler and cleaner for fans of the website.

Customizable, users can create and manage subreddits, set preferences, and browse incognito.

Loads faster and has plain text display, good for slow internet connections.


Missing some features of New Reddit; live chat, video autoplay, and infinite scrolling.

Outdated design, not attractive to younger users or those used to modern websites.

Not optimized for mobile devices and may not display correctly.

What you prefer is up to you.

The Future of Old Reddit in the Reddit Ecosystem

Old Reddit—once a favorite of Redditors—may have an uncertain future. With the launch of New Reddit, users and moderators must weigh its pros and cons.

Old Reddit is praised for its simplicity, speed, and third-party tools. But, it lacks modern features like infinite scrolling.

New Reddit offers a refined user interface, infinite scrolling, and other features. But, it may be slow on old browsers.

The future of Old Reddit is unclear. However, it still offers a unique experience. The choice between the two is up to personal taste and priorities.

The Popularity and Niche Appeal of Old Reddit

Old Reddit is still popular among many. Its minimalist and simple interface appeals to users who want to customize their experience with add-ons and extensions.

Plus, the unique format of community threads makes it easy for users to navigate and find discussions.

This discussion-focused design encourages people to participate and have deeper conversations.

Basically, Old Reddit attracts a variety of users who want an online community to interact with.

Whether you choose old Reddit or the new redesign, discussion-based communities are important in today's social media age.

Determining the Right Reddit Experience for You

Are you a new user of Reddit? Confused and overwhelmed? Don't worry, there are two popular versions of the site. Old Reddit and New Reddit.

Old Reddit is a minimalist version, with a simpler page layout and easier navigation. It's perfect for those who want to explore their interests and conversations. To access it, add "old" to the URL, e.g., old.reddit.com. Streamlined and free from clutter and distractions, Old Reddit is ideal for new users.

Pro Tip: If you're new to Reddit, give Old Reddit a go before exploring the newer versions.


When the day is over, Old Reddit can be a great tool. You can communicate with others, share your thoughts, and find new content quickly.

Even though the user interface appears outdated, the community and posts on Old Reddit are invaluable. So, if you want to stay in the loop, join conversations, and consume content, Old Reddit is the place for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Old Reddit?

A: Old Reddit refers to the previous version of Reddit's user interface that was replaced with the new design in 2018. It is still accessible by opting out of the new design on the website.

Q: Why do people prefer Old Reddit?

A: Some users prefer Old Reddit because it has a simpler and more customizable interface. It also has features that the new design does not, such as the ability to browse comments using keyboard shortcuts.

Q: Can I still use Old Reddit?

A: Yes! To use Old Reddit, simply opt out of the new design by clicking the "Opt out of the redesign" button in the top left corner of the screen.

Q: Will Old Reddit be removed completely?

A: It is unclear at this time if Old Reddit will be removed completely. However, Reddit has stated that they will continue to support Old Reddit for the foreseeable future.

Q: Why did Reddit switch to a new design?

A: Reddit switched to a new design in order to improve the user experience and modernize the platform. The new design offers a more visual and streamlined browsing experience.

Q: Can I switch back to the new design after using Old Reddit?

A: Yes! To switch back to the new design after using Old Reddit, simply click the "Opt into the redesign" button in the top left corner of the screen.


About the Creator

Md Fahad Alam

When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.

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