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Go Paperless with Workflow Automation

Automating repetitive tasks like data entry and approvals saves time and resources and delivers a powerful blow to paper waste.

By Bhagyam SinghPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

As millennials, we can relate to the struggle of organizing mountains of school/college paperwork. Although, with the advancement of technology, we have embraced digital solutions for most things, there are still some loose ends to tie up.

Going paperless is not just about decluttering your desk, it is about embracing a sustainable future. Do you remember the UN’s sustainable developmental goals (SDGs)? Goal 12, ‘Responsible Consumptions and Production’ calls for minimizing resource use, and let’s face it, paper usage in offices is out of control. Do you know that 70% of office waste is paper? 45% of the paper used for documentation processes like creating files for employees and clients, printing mail, etc. all are thrown away.

Although we have moved on to digital alternatives, it is still surprising to see a lot of paper waste go to landfills. It is at this juncture, that workflow automation is a compelling solution.

Imagine all that monotonous paperwork like signing contracts, onboarding papers, etc. The software transforms these paper-laden processes into digital journeys. Automating repetitive tasks like data entry and approvals saves time and resources and delivers a powerful blow to paper waste.

So, how does workflow automation empower businesses to go green? Let’s see:

Reduced paper trails - Since tasks are managed digitally, it eliminates the need for physical forms. For instance, all the documentation involved in onboarding goes paperless, and documents are filled out electronically.

Information is readily available - Papers can easily be misplaced, and it can take up to a few minutes to search for the data you are looking for. However, by automating all the tasks, data becomes more accessible and available to the respective users and authorities regardless of the users.

Reduce footprints -Storing papers needs physical space, and businesses end up spending a relatively large amount on storage space. Automation will help to free up that space and reduce the enterprise's environmental footprint.

Boost Collaboration - Automation facilitates real-time collaboration on documents, boosting team productivity and efficiency. Everyone stays on the same page, digitally.

Adaptability - With business expansion, managing piles of papers can go out of hand. Automating your workflow will help you to be updated with the changing needs without much reliance on the physical infrastructure. It ensures long-term sustainability for your business.

In fact, automating your workflow goes beyond sustainability. There are additional benefits that help enterprises boost their productivity and remain one step ahead in the competitive world.

According to SnapLogic, 90% of the employees carry out boring, repetitive tasks. Additionally, on average, these tasks cost businesses 19 working days per year per employee. Just by looking at the data, you can understand why there is a need for such software.

Working smarter, not harder, is the new mantra, and businesses that have already adapted this strategy are already on this mission. Ask these people, how workflow automation has helped them compared to the previous method, and you would likely get the same answer.

It has liberated them from the tasks that would come in their way of productivity. It has increased efficiency and more time for social interaction. Besides, recent research by Salesforce revealed that 89% of workers feel more satisfied and happy with their jobs after automation.

Naturally, it springs to mind that will it replace staff members. Think about how EVs and solar panels have helped thousands of people to reduce carbon footprints and not have replaced humans from their jobs. Instead, it has created more jobs in the market. In 2022, the employment in renewable energy reached 13.7 million.

Similarly, going paperless with workflow automation will not snatch away the jobs of the workforce, on the contrary, it will allow them to expand their vistas of learning. Additionally, it will help businesses to reach sustainability.

All that being said, it is evident that along with going paperless with workflow automation, it also helps enterprises optimize their productivity and efficiency.


About the Creator

Bhagyam Singh

A girl trying to find her way into the world of Internet technology by communicating complex technical concepts clearly and understandably.

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