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5 Must-Know Things For Safe Traveling To India

Know the Ideas for a safe journey to Incredible India

By DaceyPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Traveling To India

If you are one of the thousands of people who can't resist the charm of the Indian culture, you might also be one of those who are planning to visit this enchanting yet complicated corner of our planet.

India Market

A Quick Overview Of India

India is not an easy destination and you should get well-informed and prepared to face all the typical difficulties of traveling in India. One of the most popular cultural traits of India is its overcrowded cities and streets. You can see people and vehicles everywhere, moving confusingly, and even wildly. Traffic jams and crowds of people are normal in India, either it's a small village of fishermen or a large city district. It's like being in the center of a source of hectic energy. You are there and all you can do is to try adjusting to that frenetic rhythm.

Along with these very common scenery, India can also offer amazing sightseeings and breath-taking landscapes to the tourists who decide to visit the country. Besides, for most foreign people India is financially very affordable, which allows you to get the most without having to spend too much money.

Another great reason to visit India and enjoy its culture is food. The typical culinary tradition in India is delicious and made of unique flavors for everyone.

Know More About The Indian Culture

No matter if you are an experienced traveler or a first-time adventurer, what you have to do to enjoy your vacation in India is to learn about its culture and way of life. So, you can stay healthy and keep away from eventual dangers.

For example, did you know that gambling is illegal but you can place sports bets online? The fact is that the Indian gambling laws are pretty confusing and there's a lack of control online. As a consequence, playing online casino games or betting on sports are allowed. Anyway, make sure to visit licensed and 100% authorized platforms like www.sportbettingindia.com before placing a real-money bet on games or sports matches. If you have Indian friends, they might give you even more details about gambling in India but one thing is for sure, online gambling turns to be the smartest way to enjoy sports and games.

Smart Tips To Learn Before Getting There

Are you more and more attracted to India's climate and you're looking forward to getting there? It's time to take note of some important cultural facts that will help you behave the right way and enjoy your stay in India:

Get a SIM card for your phone

Once you get there, make sure you can have a phone for traveling in the country. So you can access Google Maps and see directions and best tracks to get to your destinations. When you arrive at the airport, buy an international SIM card for your phone like TravelSim. This card offers several benefits to users in India.

Keep off religious scams

Unfortunately, religion can be intrusive in India. So, keep off temples and mosques where you may be asked to make a donation or to buy a sacred offering. Oftentimes, foreign tourists might be wrapped a string around their wrist or put a red dot on their forehead without being even asked any permission! After that, they are asked for money.

Learn the Indian head-waggling

Indian people tend to waggle their heads weirdly. It's not like when you shake your head to answer "yes" or "no", it's a gesture western people don't have and it can be pretty confusing for western tourists. Nodding the head can have different meanings according to the context that it's used in. If you want to learn this specific gesture, watch this video.

Keep safe from pickpockets

India is one of those countries where pickpockets hide everwhere. If you come from a place where this social form of crime doesn't exist, you should be more on your guard when using public means of transportation or you are in a crowded place (like a local market). Don't put things you don't want anyone to steal in your back pockets, use your front pockets, and make sure the things you have in them can't be seen from outside. Don't wear jewelry or an expensive wristwatch.

Physical contact with other people

Crowded buses, trains, streets, and any other existing place can't guarantee personal space. So, don't feel bad if you are continuously hurt or squished by people while walking or buying items at a shop. Indians are many and they can't have enough space around themselves everywhere they go.

Another thing, travel scams, and fake ticket officers are a common reality in India's train station and around tourist information offices. They might want to sell you fake train tickets, so look for authorized transportation companies on the web and know what companies you can trust.

travel advice

About the Creator


Dacey is an explorer and blogger by heart♥️. Her concise articles provide valuable insights on top franchises, small businesses, the education industry, being health, and more.

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