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I'm 8 Days Into 75Hard and I'm Loving It!

The Results Are Mind-Blowing

By Gary RagnarssonPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 3 min read

So It's Monday morning. I've just woke up from my first night in a proper bed after spending 7 days locked in an empty room, and life (while obviously changed) seems at extreme risk of going back to how it was before.

While the intial day was fun, magical, exciting, and all the rest --and the typical questions were asked and thusly answered-- the novelty of it all seemed to be wearing off very quickly. Yes, the challenge bought interesting insights and some personal growth, but it was, after all, a novelty event. A one-and-done. Something over as fast as it begins. Just a moth's life against the longevity of people: short, sweet, but ultimately forgetful.

Now out of my coccoon, fluttering around the lightbulbs and annoying the locals, I knew I needed something that would stick. Something that would last longer than a few short days. A structure I could use, a blueprint to keep me on track and inline with everything I learned about myself in that room.

Enter Andy Frisella's 75Hard, the world's most popular mental toughness challenge, famous for changing the lives and mindsets of all those who undertake it.

The concept seems simple enough and I've been aware of the program for some time now: A list of 6 critical tasks, completed daily, without compromise or excuse. Mess up, just once, and you start back at day 1. Great, let's dive in! What harm can it do?

The Daily Tasks

  1. Follow a diet: Any diet, just one you can stick to (try to keep it clean.)
  2. Drink a gallon of water: just plain water. drink what you want around it, but hit that minimum.
  3. Absolutely ZERO alcohol (so perfect for a recovering addict such as myself.)
  4. Read 10 pages non-fiction
  5. Exercise 45 minutes twice per day: once outside regardless of weather conditions.
  6. Take (and share) a daily progress picture.

Now it's important to understand that this is not a fitness program or challenge. The diet is self-decided and the exercise self-instructed. It can mean anything from a walk to swinging axe, vegetarianism to keto. The purpose of this challenge is more mental, touting an increase in self-esteem, self-worth, self-belief, fortitude, grit, mental resilience, and discipline.

That said, your fitness is more than likely to improve along the way as a direct result of sticking to the program. And let me tell you, you'll want to stick to the program.

In case you are curious, my chosen diet is intermittent fasting (16/8), animal based meals, and a heavy reduction in sugar. My training involves mainly bodyweight and a light barbell, and weighted walks. Oh, and I'm reading 'Battle Ready' by Ollie Ollerton. It's awesome. Review coming soon.

I am eight days in and my whole life feels different. My mindset has changed wildly. I'm driven, I'm setting goals and confident in their execution and eventual success. I'm working harder, clearer-headed, focused, confident, and have a sense of discipline and direction I don't think I've ever had. Hell, my body is starting to look fucking awesome!

Follow my journey on Facebook

I feel like I'm becoming the best version of myself, but that version is a version I never believed existed or even could exist, and I'm only at the very beginning of my capabilities!

Honestly I cannot praise the program enough. I feel unstoppable. I relish in completing my critical tasks, my resting BPM has gone from 90+ to 70, I'm toning up and leaning out, I'm meeting the harsh realities of life with more grit and determination, my depression has all but up-and-left, and I'm a billion times less lazy.

I have goals, real ones, tangible ones, and a plan to execute on them. I am happier, focused, less flakey and up-in-the-clouds. And this is just day 8!

I'm over the moon with my progress so far, and can't wait to fill you in after another week of dedication to my personal development.

In the meantime, please head over to my facebook profile and drop a follow to stay up to date with my daily progress and musings, and feel free to drop a follow or a heart right here on Vocal. If you leave a comment you are God-tier, and if you leave a tip you're a fucking Eternal/Celestial or something. You know the drill.

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About the Creator

Gary Ragnarsson

Deep thinker, stoic, and writer from the UK, sharing everything from philosophical insights to my most intimate, personal stories.

In a world consumed by chasing more, I’m over here embracing less on purpose.

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  • S. A. Crawford7 months ago

    This is really interesting; I feel I'm in somewhat of a rut myself and as I prepare to apply for a job in a physically demanding field this challenge looks really appealing. I may join you in this! Hell I have a fitness/health Instagram from my last charity walk challenge... I could use that for the progress pictures!

  • Mariann Carroll9 months ago

    I hope you did not suck your stomach in the picture 😉😂I am rooting for you reach your goal. I hope you are having at the same time. Go Viking go !!!

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