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Setting the Stage for Big Writing Magic

You won't believe how I decorated my home office

By Eleyne-Mari SharpPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

When I first imagined a home office, I daydreamed about living in an old English manor with a stained glass window in the library and a circular, iron staircase leading to the second floor bookcases.

There was a gold-encrusted mantel clock tick-tocking above a massive stone fireplace. A beautiful red Irish setter slept next to it on a burgundy and jade Persian rug. And I envisioned sitting at my huge wooden desk with its green banker's desk lamp and quill pens, writing furiously amidst the perfume of musty leather.

Reality is completely different, yet still enchanting, I think. I've had several offices over the years but the one I have now reflects the person I have become  -  spiritual, colorful, creative  -  and completely eclectic.

I've surrounded myself with an organized horde of things I love - my dollhouses and roomboxes, Harry Potter doll, stuffed fairy doll, seashells, crystals, essential oils, herb apothecary, crystal singing bowl, Tibetan singing bowl, tuning forks, Ocean Drum, tingsha bells, color therapy lights, hundreds of self-healing books, a pinwheel, a bag of jacks, and a bottle of bubbles.

Since there are at least several hundred crystals and gemstones scattered about, I call it my Crystal Cave. I guess you could say it's the equivalent to a "man cave" and it's where I unleash my Inner Child to have fun, write, play, and magically manifest clarity every single day.

Ready to welcome a new chapter in your writing life? Want a refuge for summoning enchanting tales? Before you begin your "Bibbidi bobbidi boo" incantations, let's get clear on what it is you wish to manifest.

What does your writing cave look like? Where would you put your desk? What material is it made from?

Whenever I walk into my office, I am welcomed by a wave of good chi because that's how I planned it. I began with a Feng Shui bagua, but eventually I just let my intuition guide me until the energy felt right. When creating your magical writing space, select an area that has plenty of natural light and keep it clutter-free because clarity promotes writing magic.

Want to conjure up a bestseller? Well, that takes a whole lot of magic! To increase your chances, place a jade or Lucky Bamboo plant on your desk, citrine crystal, and your current writing project. If you're inspired by tarot or oracle decks, set up a little card reading area. (For daily messages, I use the Nature's Whispers deck by Angela Hartfield and Josephine Wall.)

Regarding furniture, my suggestion is to choose what's comfortable to you. I sit at a large L-shaped oak desk with a swivel desk chair. I love my chair  -  it's fun, it's functional, and it has a nice violet pillow to soothe my tender bottom. I also love to swivel. Twirling clears my head and helps break up and release stagnant energy. And did I mention that it's fun? To me, that's a necessity!

Color and Potions

I'm mad about hue, which is boldly reflected by the splatter of colors you'll find on my walls and bookcases. For curtains, I hung a dozen sparkly Pashmina scarves and the result is a free-spirited gypsy effect, which I absolutely love. I've also hung a string of twinkling fairy lights to add to the room's mystical glow.

Color sets the mood for all sorts of writing magic, whether you use it for manifesting charms like power (red), joy (orange), confidence (yellow), growth (green), communication (blue), imagination (indigo), wisdom (violet) or compassion (pink).

When writing, we use all of our senses, but did you know that fragrance can be magical?

As a spiritual aromatherapist, I use essential oils nearly every day and I've found that aromatherapy heightens my creativity, helps me ground, get focused, and feel more confident.

Have you ever thought about creating your own Writer room spray? To create a well-balanced Writer blend, begin with approximately 20% of your selected base note, adding 50% of the middle note and 30% of the top note.

Use an eye dropper to add up to 10 drops of your formula into your spray bottle. Once the formula is in the bottle, pour distilled or spring water through a funnel until the liquid is about an inch from the top. Be sure to spray high in the air and avoid spraying on furniture or fabrics which might get stained.

Because essential oils are too pure to use directly on the skin, a carrier oil like jojoba oil or sweet almond oil should be used to dilute the essential oils. (Warning: do not use clove, juniper, myrrh or sage if you are a pregnant or lactating woman.)

Here are two simple Writer formulas to get you started:


benzoin (base note), myrrh (middle note), angelica seed (top note)


ylang ylang (base note), chamomile (middle note), bergamot (top note)

Be sure to store your Writer formulas in dark glass bottles, preferably in a cool area, away from the radiation of microwaves, televisions and computers.

Need something quick and easy? Grab a bottle of rosewater! It's an uplifting scent and smells like pure love magic. Just spray it in the air and zap those writing fears into oblivion!

"Spelling" with Pens

Many writers create on their computers. I do, too, but I also keep a collection of pens in assorted colors. They're my magic wands and they often take me to places my computer can only dream about, especially when it crashes or the power goes out.

I used to be quite the pen junkie, attracted to writing instruments adorned in funky feathers and gorgeous gemstones. But for magical writing purposes, I prefer the plainer Pilot Precise V5 Stick Rolling Ball Pens. I store my faves in a light-up Lord of the Rings glass mug and any pen that has lost its writing mojo is repaired or replaced.

Here is a simple writing "spell." First, charge your pen by rubbing your hands together for a few seconds. Hold it in your writing hand, allowing energy to run from your hand to the pen. (Now you are one with your "wand.")

Take your pen and wave it around for a few moments, allowing your creative energy to connect from your brain to your dominant hand. Feel your writing aspirations in your heart, then see it in your mind's eye, like this:

You are finishing your book. You are sending the manuscript to the publisher. You are receiving the acceptance letter. You are signing books at a bookstore. You are speaking onstage to a filled auditorium. You are hosting your own radio show. You are sitting on the couch as a guest on The Tonight Show.

Can you feel it? See it? When you truly believe and accept it, that's when you make the magic happen!


About the Creator

Eleyne-Mari Sharp

Author/Visionary/Muse committed to Peace and Planetary Healing at

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  • Steven7 months ago

    Great post

  • I hope my buddy brings the new dresser for me today in exchange for my love seat. I am hardly able to wait to organize my clothing that I will use during autumn and winter season, and put the spring summer clothing elsewhere. I need to sell some stuff to de-clutter.

  • I enjoyed this beautiful work of art. I cannot wait to transform my home office as an author thru into the woman cave I need.

  • Kevin Smith2 years ago

    Great article, given me lots of ideas. My home office is a storeroom 😒 But that's literally behind me. I have a green corner of house plants in my eye line and a selection of objects ranging from old toys to random bricabrac on the desk to soften the relentless reality of monitors, laptop stands and keyboards

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