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How many days Sperm Live in Female Body after Intercourse?

The lifespan of sperm in the female body varies but typically ranges from 3 to 5 days.

By Banker IVFPublished 17 days ago 5 min read


People generally have multiple questions regarding how the entire process of reproduction works, that they want to be answered. One of the most common questions is: do the sperm live in the female body for a while after sexual intercourse? And if yes, for how long?

This answer is important to those who want to have children or wish to avoid pregnancy. In this blog, we will look at the following - process of sperm entering the vagina, the number of sperm necessary for conception and ways in which sperm can be kept healthy.

The Process of Sperm Entering the Vagina:

While penetration takes place, almost a million sperms are expelled by the testes. Sperm further arrive through the cervix and distribute themselves to the uterus, where they can reside for up to 5 days. The female reproductive system is the one that undertakes the major phases of this process. The cervix, to the mouth of the uterus, works as a barrier and admission ensures a few of sperm cells only are allowed into the uterus. Cervical mucus (cervix secretion) is another factor that aids sperm movement towards the fallopian tube.

The other key element to the sperm survival is the right level of lubrication. Some types of lubricants might affect the ability of sperm to survive, so it is important to choose a lubricant which is safe for sperm. Pick the lubricants which do not affect the sperm. These compositions of substances work in the same way as lubrication that occurs naturally in the vagina and they do not contain harmful substances that reduce the amount of sperm.

How Many Sperms Does It Take at an Average to Get Pregnant:

Having one sperm can fertilize an egg, but more of them can only improve conception chances. On average, one ejaculation contains approximately 150 million sperm. Yet, not every one of these sperms has the ability to fertilize an egg. The term sperm count stands for the number of sperm contained in an ejaculation, and with low sperm count a baby may not be conceived easily.

Sperm motility, the ability of sperm does to move or not move properly, is also one of the decisive factors for sperm quality. Swimming through the cervical mucus is the first hurdle the sperm must break, but also the way to the uterus is on its own (without outside help) must be taken to meet the egg. The shape of sperm or sperm morphology is a very important factor in telling the trend of fertility rate going down. Sperm of abnormal shapes encounter great difficulty in swimming through cervical mucus or in a hope to fertilize their eggs.

The minimum number of sperms needed for pregnancy is calculated to be around 1 million. It's important to note that the probability of achieving pregnancy through unprotected sex may change due to various circumstances, e.g. sperm quality and an appropriate timing for a spontaneous sexual act near ovulation.

The Lifespan of a Sperm in the Female Body:

Sperms can live up to five days once they enter a female body. Thus, there is no definitive link between the time of intercourse and a woman's chance of getting pregnant. On the other hand, the length of sperm's life is significantly influenced by many variable elements. The sperm survival in a vaginal environment can be affected by the vagina's pH, and by the cervical mucus.

Cervical mucus represents one of those natural factors that help sperm to survive. It contains a liquid media that gives them the surface and shelter they need to swim easily in the reproductive tract. This would otherwise lead to thinness or thickening of cervical mucus which would not favor sperm to live minute.

Another critical issue that needs to be addressed is the timing of intercourse so that it coincides with ovulation and thus, gives the highest possible likelihood of conceiving. Ovulation occurs every 14 days and gives women widely different cycles. This is because it usually happens two weeks before the start of the next period. The days that precede ovulation note that pregnancy risk may increase as sperm has the survival quality to stay in the female’s body over 5 days.

Ways to Keep Your Sperm Healthy:

Sperm health depends on good overall health. This also includes, having a healthy diet, doing consistent exercise and the amount of sleep also counts a lot in it. To prevent exposure to toxins like the ones in cigarettes and particular chemical elements may prove to be beneficial to the sperm health.

The reproductive system that is in good sound is vital for sperm health as well. This even means staying away from the tight-fitting underwear and hot tubs as these things may increase temperature of testicles and thus help in greater disturbance of sperm production.

Besides other medical conditions like varicocele which is an enlargement of the veins that drain the testicle another factor that can affect sperm health is also other diseases of the endocrine glands. Varicocele generates the sperm decrease in numbers as well as motility, and it may be cured with surgery.

In addition to maintaining overall health and avoiding exposure to toxins, there are several other ways to keep sperm healthy. These include:

  • Avoiding alcohol and drugs: Alcohol and drugs can negatively impact sperm health and decrease sperm count.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Being overweight or underweight can impact sperm health and decrease sperm count.
  • Avoiding hot tubs and saunas: Exposure to high temperatures can negatively impact sperm production.
  • Avoiding certain medications: Some medications, such as those used to treat cancer, can negatively impact sperm health.
  • Getting regular check-ups: Regular check-ups can help to identify and address any potential issues with sperm health.


Recognizing that the lifespan of sperm in the female body could help one to get pregnant is important for those who cannot stay or get away from a pregnancy. The process of sperm entering a woman's vagina, the number of sperms to be fertilized, and how to keep the sperms healthy are of paramount importance too. Through the act of being their own advocates, they can improve the chances of conception and embark on a healthy pregnancy.

Dealing with fertility problems or looking for professional healthcare services? Do not hesitate to reach out to Banker IVF, a top-ranking clinic providing modern reproductive technologies and unique approaches for individual couples to make their dream of parenthood come true.


About the Creator

Banker IVF

Banker IVF is the best IVF hospital in Ahmedabad which provides a world class fertility treatments for men and women with high success rates.

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