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The Wonders of Retirement: Moving Overseas

To retire overseas or not....that is the question...

By Dawon RoyPublished about a month ago 3 min read
The Wonders of Retirement: Moving Overseas
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Ah....the wonders of retirement and the chance to finally be able to relax. After many years of work to achieve a long term goal of making a difference and bringing the greater good to the community, one is finally able to relax. Most people would decide to stay in the same community they've worked in during their years. There are some people that would like to go against the grain and decide to leave the country to live out the rest of their golden years. Sometimes going against the grain is a good thing especially if you want to explore and discover a whole new world beyond your backyard.

There are many countries to choose for retirement. One must ensure they conduct a lot of research prior to moving there from the country they're residing in currently. The advice that is given to everyone is to do your research because the laws and economy of the country of your choice are different from the laws in the United States.

There are various reasons why someone wants to consider retiring overseas:

Quality of life, Healthcare services, Economics, change of scenery to name a few. Regardless of what the reasons may be, there are many benefits to going across the ocean to live out your golden years after putting in the hard work.

The top 4 things I would advise one should really research are: the laws of the country, economics, housing, and quality of life of the country you’re planning to move to. The best way to discover a country you want to relocate for the purpose of retirement is to visit that country. I recommend that you visit several countries to see before making the final decision on which country to move to.

Most people would retire in countries in Southeast Asia, Oceania, Europe, South and Central America as well as some parts of Africa. There are some people that would find smaller island nations to retire to.

The few cons to moving overseas are: not being close to friends and family, local conveniences that one has been used to (depending on which country you move to), not knowing the country’s currency, time changes, and weather conditions.

The best ways to overcome these possible obstacles are the following: research the countries you’re looking to relocate for retirement, talk to the locals, visit several times to see different places in the countries you plan on moving to. As far as the time zone is concerned, take it one day at a time to adjust to the time zone difference. It can be difficult at first but after some time, it will become second nature to you. Also, make sure you know the customs and laws in your respective country so you are prepared in the event you get into legal trouble. The other thing that is recommended is to talk with others that have moved there to get some perspective.

By taking the huge leap of faith in relocating to another country for retirement, you are making a wonderful change in your life in closing one chapter and opening a brand new chapter in another country. You are on your way to discovering new adventures and opportunities that will give you amazing insight on life.

Having the opportunity to go relocate to another country for retirement is a beautiful way to live the rest of your golden years. If you are diligent in your research and have traveled to the respective countries as often as you can, you will have mastered the art of being a retiree overseas. There is one caveat to this overseas retirement thing though ... you have the option of dual citizenship or simply outright expatriate from the country you moved from and settle into the new country for retirement. Be sure that going to another country for retirement is something that you absolutely want to do. Make sure you also know the traditions and customs so you do not get in trouble with law enforcement or even the locals. Take the time to make friends in the countries so you have a support network and a group of friends with you. Once you have done these things, you're on your way! Happy Trails to you!


About the Creator

Dawon Roy

A student in this journey called life. I write restaurant reviews, investigative articles addressing the issues ongoing in our country and worldwide.

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