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Why DC needs Zack Snyder.

The Snyder cut shouldn't be the last we see of the Artist.

By ThabreezPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Image Source: FandomWire

I'm sure most of us have heard of the Marvel cinematic universe. I'd be surprised if you didn't. Most of the blockbuster scene is taken up by their presence and they gross a ridiculous amount of money on a yearly basis. They are the reason Superhero movies are as popular as they are currently. Every time a Marvel movie comes out it's treated as a Big Event.

Now what about the DCEU? or the DC extended universe? They are the universe that inhibit the current modern day versions of Batman and Superman(for now). They made movies like Man Of Steel, Batman V Superman, Aquaman, etc.

Despite being movies with superman and batman these movies aren't nearly as popular as movies with The Guardians of the Galaxy, characters who if you would asked anybody else(including me) who they were before the movies nobody would have any clue as to who the hell they are.

So why is this the case?

It's simple. Marvel stuck to their guns and ran with it from day one. It's only recently that marvel movies have had a somewhat of a tonal reconstruction and even then it's a perfectly reasonable reconstruction which was done to prevent the movies from feeling stale by being overly jokey and comedic. Movies like Eternals, Spiderman No Way home and more have opted to try a more serious route that evolves the universe.

Dc on the other hand has done everything in stark contrast. Like that's no exaggeration. They started out with a darker, grittier more realistic approach to their films much like The Dark Knight and the Amazing Spiderman. However with just their third movie they switched the shark so hard that the universe felt shattered and disconnected. 2016's Suicide Squad was meddled by Warner Bros to make it more "lighter and fun" similar to Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. This was a harsh response to criticisms of the fans that Batman V Superman was too dark and grim.

Here's the thing. That Darkness had a purpose which both Warner Bros and the fans didn't quite get when the movie came out. Instead of waiting for Zack Snyder, Who started the DCEU with this darker tone, to finish the story he was trying to tell over the course of his films DC just assumed making a film lighter and funnier would solve all of their issues.

Suffice to say it didn't and Sucide Squad turned out to be even worse than Batman V Superman in the eyes of critics and audiences.

Let's talk about Zack Snyder for a minute here. Zack Snyder had a 5 film arc starting with Man Of Steel and ending with Justice League 3.

However because of how impatient WB was they didn't give him the chance to finish his story and they suffered the consequences.

2017's Wonder Woman was the first financial and critical hit of DC since 2013's Man of Steel but that was only because the film still felt like it could fit into the pre established universe Zack Snyder made. Hell he even came up with the story for it and set up the movie in Batman V Superman.

Zack Snyder was the man with a plan. A Vision. A clear insight into where the universe would go and how it would go that way.

So firing him made sure that DC would be forever behind Marvel. I'm not saying in order to catch up to Marvel you need Zack Snyder.

No I'm hundereds upon thousands of people could lead the pack for DC....the issue is no one is. DC releases movies every year however how many these movies they are in the same universe? Very few.

The issue with DC's films right now isn't their quality. Far from it cause they have been producing great films such as Shazam, The Suicide Squad, etc. And they have not restrained any creative freedom as well.

That's all good but without a roadmap for the universe currently it's hard to see a future with these films. There's literally no point in calling this series a cinematic universe anymore. They could just be seperate movie franchises as far as we are concerned.

In Essence DC needs a Kevin Feige figure. Zack Snyder was that figure. But they fired him and now they are paying the costs.


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