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Movie Review: 'Jeanne Du Barry' Starring Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp speaks fluent French in costume drama Jeanne Du Barry.

By Sean PatrickPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Jeanne Du Barry (2024)

Directed by Maiwenn

Written by Maiwenn

Starring Maiwenn, Johnny Depp

Release Date May 3rd, 2024

Published May 2nd, 2024

Jeanne Du Barry is a vanity project for writer-director-star Maiwenn. She wanted to play the famed courtesan and film on elaborate sets and wear big fancy costumes and, to her credit, she got exactly what she wanted. It's all very elaborate and it showcases Maiwenn as a talented scenarist and a compelling screen presence. I don't find the film to be particularly entertaining, but it's impressive that she was able to accomplish her entire vision. I am genuinely impressed with so much of her work here, but the movie left me just not caring.

Jeanne Du Barry was born an innocent and independent young commoner. When she came of age, she went to Versailles and to support herself, she became a popular courtesan for the elite men of Paris. Her wild reputation eventually caught the attention of King Louis XV (Johnny Depp) who brought her to his court. Having impressed the king with her spirit, intelligence and... other assets, Jeanne becomes the King's companion, his favorite of numerous mistresses at the King's beckoned call. But Jeanne is not content to be merely the favorite, she aims to win the King's heart and his favor.

The biggest obstacles to Jeanne's ambition, and her safety and security, are the King's daughters. A coterie of young vipers, the King's daughters sneer and jeer Jeanne while desperately envying her position within the King's inner circle. As Jeanne continues to capture the King's fancy, the daughter's plot to keep her from being able to marry or even capitalize on the King's love and affection. Jeanne's position at court hangs in the balance as the future Queen of France, Marie Antoinette, then known as the Dauphine (Pauline Pollman) carries the power to make or break Jeanne's future with just a few whispered words.

If you enjoy catty court politics, perhaps you may find Jeanne Du Barry to be entertaining. For me, the flat supporting cast of daughters, the non-existent heat between Maiwenn and a fluently French speaking Johnny Depp, left me cold. I just could not force myself to care about whether Jeanne Du Barry succeeded or failed. I am honestly not sure what her overall aim was besides remaining rich and pampered. That's not exactly the most compelling reason to root for your main character. I guess, her life is kind of on the line if she can't impress Marie Antoinette enough, but even that is left vague and thus unsatisfying as a potential arc.

Negatives out of the way, the costumes are broad and beautiful, and the sets are opulent and luxurious. Maiwenn does well to bring the period to life in production design and lighting. I loved the moments when Jeanne and her young protege, a young black child that she adopts as a surrogate son, play and dance amid the vast marble and gold of the French castles, But, beyond the lovely sights of Jeanne Du Barry there is simply a void at the center. It's not that Maiwenn is a bad actress, she's lovely and charismatic but the story is too vague and basic to rise to the level of intriguing or even vaguely exciting.

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About the Creator

Sean Patrick

Hello, my name is Sean Patrick He/Him, and I am a film critic and podcast host for the I Hate Critics Movie Review Podcast I am a voting member of the Critics Choice Association, the group behind the annual Critics Choice Awards.

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Comments (1)

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  • Alex H Mittelman about a month ago

    Fantastic review! I want to see it even though it vague! Thank you for the review!

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