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The Power Of Persistence

Why Champions Keep Going

By Ruth Elizabeth StiffPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
"Champions keep going until they get it right"

When we think of champions, we often envision individuals who have achieved great success in their chosen field. We see them standing on podiums, holding trophies, and basking in the glory of their accomplishments. However, what we don’t always see are the countless hours of hard work and dedication that went into achieving that success. Behind every champion is a story of persistence, resilience, and the unwavering commitment to keep playing until they get it right.

The famous quote “champions keep playing until they get it right” has been attributed to various successful individuals, from tennis legend Billie Jean King to basketball star Kobe Bryant. And while the specific wording may differ, the message remains the same — true champions never give up.

But what exactly does it mean to keep playing until you get it right? It means having the determination to push through obstacles and failures, no matter how many times they may arise. It means having the grit to get back up after being knocked down, and the tenacity to keep going even when it feels like the odds are stacked against you.

In today’s society, where instant gratification is often glorified and success is expected to come quickly and easily, the concept of persistence may seem foreign. However, it is a crucial ingredient in achieving long-lasting success.

One example of persistence in the face of adversity is Olympic gold medalist and world champion gymnast Simone Biles. Simones’ journey to becoming one of the most decorated gymnasts in history was not without its challenges.

At the 2013 World Championships, Simone suffered a devastating defeat, falling twice during her floor routine and costing her a chance at a gold medal. However, rather than letting this setback define her career, Simone used it as motivation to come back even stronger. She continued to train tirelessly and went on to win numerous championships and Olympic medals.

Simones’ story is a reminder that even the most talented and successful individuals face failure and setbacks. But what sets champions apart is their ability to ‘keep playing until they get it right’.

So why is persistence so important?

One reason is that it allows us to learn from our mistakes and failures. Every time we fail, we have the opportunity to assess what went wrong and make adjustments for the future. As Thomas Edison famously said: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. By persisting through failure, we gain valuable experience and insight that ultimately leads us closer to success.

Additionally, persistence builds resilience. In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, things don’t always go as planned. But by developing the habit of persisting through challenges, we become better equipped to handle whatever life may throw our way. We learn to adapt, bounce back from failures, and keep moving forward towards our goals.

Moreover, persistence is a key element in building self-confidence and belief in oneself. When we keep playing until we get it right, we prove to ourselves that we are capable of achieving our goals and overcoming any obstacles that may come our way. This self-belief is what separates champions from those who give up at the first sign of struggle.

In a world where instant success and gratification are often glorified, it’s important to remember the power of persistence. As the saying goes: “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Success, whether in sports, business, or any other aspect of life, takes time, hard work, and unwavering persistence.

So the next time you face a setback or a failure, remember the champions who came before you and the power of persistence. Keep playing until you get it right, and eventually, success will be within your reach.


About the Creator

Ruth Elizabeth Stiff

I love all things Earthy and Self-Help

History is one of my favourite subjects and I love to write short fiction

Research is so interesting for me too

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