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You're Very Special!

A Microfiction

By D. J. ReddallPublished 29 days ago 3 min read
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Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” Matthew 4:1-11 (NKJV)

Matthew: “Where am I?!? I mean, I can hardly believe it, but you actually appear to be the devil! I have been taught to deplore you and all of your works. I am supposed to be a servant of Christ and a preacher of His holy gospel. Why should I waste a moment in conversation with you?!”

The Devil: “You’ve got a wonderful mind, Matthew. I’ve never seen anything like it! People have been talking about you. They tell me that you are handsome and charming and eloquent. They say that you’ve got the best words: big, strong words and good ideas that will make a difference in this world and keep it from falling apart. In fact, I’ve heard that your ministry has a real chance to make this fallen world great again!

I understand that you are opposed to evil. You’re right, of course! I’m the devil, and here’s a serious, important question for you: if you want to fight against evil and bear your moral witness as a true believer, if you want to be the most popular and successful preacher the world has ever seen, who could possibly be as helpful to you as the greatest expert in the field of evil anyone could hope to meet?”

Matthew: “I hadn’t thought of that. I guess it sort of makes sense, but it still seems a bit crazy. After all, who is going to join my congregation if it gets out that I’ve been talking with the devil?! How will I be able to fundraise effectively if an image of us talking together in a friendly way should be seen online? I’d be ruined. My career is very important to me. My children can’t eat words. They need bread!”

The Devil: “I hear you, Matthew. I really do. Believe me, I know what it’s like to be misjudged and treated very unfairly. I’m always in trouble. That I can tell you. No one has been treated more terribly than I have, after all. Every witch hunt in history has been hunting for me! What I’m offering you isn’t a press conference or some chat on Instagram Live or X. I’m offering to teach you, privately, how to persuade anyone, no matter how skeptical, no matter how deeply woke or radically left wing, no matter how committed to secular, humanistic nonsense or cultural Marxism or atheism, to believe in you and your witness and follow you as far as you will lead, wherever you wish to lead. Your congregation will outnumber the birds in the air and the flowers in the field!

Can you imagine the glory and the power you will have? Your wife and your children will live in golden luxury for the rest of their lives. Politicians and businessmen will seek your wise counsel and heed your words. Celebrities of all kinds will bask in your holy radiance and beg for a selfie with you. The world will beg to touch the hem of your handsome, new suit! Among influencers, you’ll be the GOAT. What do you have to lose?”

Matthew: “Well, I guess that sounds just great. I could do a lot of good with that kind of power. People are hurting. They are poor, they are sick, their children can’t get a proper education, their food isn’t fit to eat and their water isn’t fit to drink. They seem lost and depressed and anxious all of the time. If I could give them some hope, some direction, that would mean everything to me. But your reputation precedes you. What’s the catch?”

The Devil: “I know, Matthew. There’s never been anything like this. All you have to do is follow me.”


About the Creator

D. J. Reddall

I write because my time is limited and my imagination is not.

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  • Kathleen Warren27 days ago

    It’s now confirmed….he’s in direct contact with the actual devil. It all makes sense now. Great story!

  • Mark Gagnon28 days ago

    I felt as though I was at a Trump rally! Yup, I said it. This is classic and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It would be a Top Story if I were judging.

  • Christy Munson28 days ago

    I mean, come on. "All you have to do..." And I'm right there with Dharr, falling off my chair laughing when the Devil said GOAT! Double entendre be damned. Oops, I did it again.... 😂

  • I literally laughed out loud when the Devil said GOAT! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I enjoyed your story immensely!

  • Superb DJ.

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