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A Lifetime in Sixty Seconds

Just a Minute Challenge Entry

By Pamela Walsh-HoltePublished about a month ago Updated about a month ago 3 min read
Top Story - May 2024

As I approach the stage I wonder what the heck I am going to say in one minute to a audience of young people that will even matter. Ah, what the heck, I'll just fly by the seat of my pants like I always do.

I clear my throat then begin...

"Hello, thanks for having me, I was thinking, I only have one minute up here with you all. And I thought, what would I say if I only had one minute left on this earth?"

"Well, as I look out at all your young faces with your life ahead of you, I wish to instill a few thoughts for you to ponder".

I take in a deep breath...

"One being that life is short, I am telling you this because I was once young like you all, now I don't remember getting old, I just woke one morning and dang if I wasn't old ".

"When your Aunts and Uncles tell you life is short, they are saying so because it is. I stand before you a young spirited youth trapped in this old body, now I'm not trying to be a downer up here but I don't want you all to find yourself where I am. Enjoy life, have fun, make memories, and value those who love you. Don't be like me".

"Why? Well I had so much fun that I cant hardly remember much of it!".

"I always felt there was someone better lookin than the person I was with so I'd move on. I always thought there was more money to made so I went lookin, I always thought I would make that call to family and friends only to do it when it was to late, I never got married cuz I wanted to be free to do as I pleased, never had any children, for the same reason!"

Pausing quickly to catch my breath I rambled on..

"When you hear grand parents say that they thought they could never love more than when they had children, until they had grandchildren, they are telling the truth. Pay attention! Life is not about who had the most fun and the bigger and best toys, its about relationships and if you always treat others as you want to be treated you will do ok!"

"Build a life with the one you love, who loves you like you need to be loved. Believe me you won't find better than that. Build memories that you can look back on together, at my age, and laugh at the good times and honor the tough times that allowed you to become closer and stronger together. Take pride in your children and instill in them all that you know to be true."

"Never change your truth for another's, for we are all here to individually honor our place in this vast universe and if you think you don't count, you better think about that, because what you do now, counts for many generations to come!"

"You are important, don't waste your time chasing anything yesterday that you can't hold in your arms today. And I tell you that from experience!"

"Don't find reasons to put things off because you will do them when you have time. You may not have time, for we are not promised time! And for sure you don't want to have nothing but time, its a lonely place to be."

"I know this". "I never had a dog, but I do now and he never tires of my complaining about all the things I passed up thinking I was living my best life. Heck, if it was my best life, don't you think I'd remember it?"

Glancing up at the timer, I see my 60 seconds are about up, so I end with..

"Well my best to you all and as I end my one minute of fame, remember, "Life is a gift, that 's why we call it the present". I read that some were once and I find it to be true".

"Thanks for hearing me out, you all be blessed now".

As I left the podium my dog came running. I clipped his leash on him, nodded to everyone and said "come on fella lets go home".

Much to my surprise they were still applauding as we left the building!

(Please note I was unable to locate who penned the saying "Life is a gift..." so I was unable to cite the quote.)


About the Creator

Pamela Walsh-Holte

Retired social worker seaking to find my name among the "Chreators we are Loving", but alas it has not been so. Be still my heart, do not despair, your day may come...Until then I wait, anticipating some, be it ever so slight, recognition.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Esala Gunathilake28 days ago

    Congrats on top story. Lovely one.

  • Anna 29 days ago

    Congrats on your Top Story!

  • Novel Allen29 days ago

    So much truth told in one minute. The speech was lovely and when young people applaud you have done your job well. Congrats.

  • Jay Kantor30 days ago

    Pw ~ Toldya So ~ It’s all in your fabulous ‘Tude — 🐶 —

  • Gabriel Huizenga30 days ago

    So poignant and lovely- this meant a whole lot to me 💙 congrats on the Top Story!

  • OMG! I got a "Top Story" I am so excited! I can't thank you all enough!

  • Ricardo de Moura Pereiraabout a month ago

    Very good

  • Hannah Mooreabout a month ago

    Wise words.

  • Jay Kantorabout a month ago

    Dear Pam - Regrets, we've all had a few. Your lifetime work dedicated to bringing families together is a blessing and the best feeling, ever. As was once said, "This is not a dress rehearsal," each chapter has meaning within your marvelous rendition. btw; what's your Dog's name?

  • This is a poignant story! I especially liked: ‘ Life is not about who had the most fun and the bigger and best toys, its about relationships and if you always treat others as you want to be treated you will do ok!" Brilliant quote too: "Life is a gift, that 's why we call it the present".✅

  • Lacy Loar-Gruenlerabout a month ago

    Ah, Pamela, every young person should read this story!! I especially love that it wasn't truly too late for your protagonist to understand what is important in life. The dog redeemed him!!! And you gave him the generosity to share when he could have been a bitter old man. Lovely work!!

  • Susana's Worldabout a month ago

    i love this :)

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