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Your New Favorite Brownies

A random find turned delicious recipe, with a twist!

By Jaye Ruggiero-CashPublished 6 months ago Updated 5 months ago 3 min read

In the past, I honestly never paid all that much attention to the recipes on cereal boxes and stuff. But as I’ve gotten older and actually started trying to make some of those recipes, I’ve realized that there are actually a lot of good ones out there.

And now I have a new favorite brownie recipe because of it!

Long story short (because I know we all can’t stand those absurdly long backstories that tend to come with recipes we find online): I found the original version of this brownie recipe on the side of a container of cocoa powder.

I’d been looking for a good brownie recipe for a while, and after finding this one, I decided to try it. And it ended up being an instant hit!

Baking has become a fun little hobby for me in the last year. And because I'm gluten free, I've decided that it's easier to just bake stuff myself at home, rather than drive myself crazy trying to find it in a store (although certain things have become easier to find these days). So I've been on a mission to put together a collection of go-to gluten free baking recipes. And because of this recipe, brownies became one of the first things I mastered!

So let's get into the recipe!


- ½ cup (1 stick) butter, melted

- ½ cup cocoa powder

- ½ cup flour (regular or gluten free)

- 1 cup sugar

- ¼ tsp. salt

- 2 eggs

- 1 tsp. vanilla

- Chocolate chips (measured with your heart!)

Baking Directions:

- Mix flour, cocoa powder, sugar, and salt in a bowl

- Melt butter (either in the microwave or on stovetop)

- Add melted butter, eggs, and vanilla to dry ingredients and mix

- Separate chocolate chips and add half of the chocolate chips to the batter whole

- Melt the other half of the chocolate chips, along with a bit of butter to prevent any sticking

- Stir the melted chocolate to smooth it out, and add to the batter

- Bake at 350 degrees for 26-30 minutes

- Remove from oven and cool for at least 1 hour

- Cut, serve, and enjoy!

Wait, hold up… cool for an hour??

Yes I know that sounds like a long time, because normally brownies would only take around 10-15 minutes to cool. But I’ve learned from experience that this recipe really needs that extra cooling time (as seen in Exhibit A below). All that extra chocolate means these brownies are going to be gooey, which can make it harder to cut them.

I made this mistake so you don’t have to!

Trust me, these brownies are absolutely worth the wait!

Of course, you can always add nuts or anything else you’d like. Sometimes I like to add some caramel or peanut butter on top of these! You can even forego the extra chocolate if you want to, although I personally think they’re a lot better with it. Because let's be honest, chocolate fixes everything!

The idea of adding that extra chocolate came to me while I was making this recipe for the first time. After I got done mixing all the ingredients, I was a little disappointed because it looked like there was hardly any batter. So I decided to add some extra chocolate to try and fluff it up. And not only did it work, but it made the brownies a million times better!

And whether you're gluten free or not, I think you’ll love these brownies too! Simple, sweet, rich, chocolatey, and gooey, these are everything we could ever hope for in a brownie!

Thanks so much for reading! If you enjoyed this recipe, I’d appreciate it so much if you shared it and left a heart, a tip, and a pledge!

And if you’re interested in more delicious recipes, check out some of my previously published ones below!

recipehow to

About the Creator

Jaye Ruggiero-Cash

Writer | Poet | Musician | Actor | Model

Lover of all things arts & humanities

Gluten-Free Foodie

"When we are shaped by the sounds and shades of truth, the colors never fade."

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  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    Sounds yummy.

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