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Kid-Friendly, Healthy & Delicious Donut Recipe

The best donut recipe you'll ever try!

By Socialite SandePublished 2 years ago Updated 6 months ago 4 min read
Top Story - June 2022

Did you know DONUTS can be HEALTHY? YEP, they sure can and trust me when I say you will LOVE this recipe!

I'm here to share with you an amazing delicious healthy donut recipe you and your kids will LOVE to not only MAKE but also LOVE to eat!

This is in fact, one of my absolute favorite ways to have my morning Herbalife shake! I know you’re probably wondering…How? The beauty of our Herbalife shakes is that we don't just drink our shakes...you can actually EAT them too!

The beauty of this donut recipe is the fact that everything is made with Herbalife products so not only are they super delicious but they are super healthy!

And just like our Herbalife shakes… The kids and the adults are going to enjoy these as well!

Another reason that I absolutely love making these is that it’s an awesome opportunity to do something fun with the kids because we love to bake so this is just another fun way to bake something together as a family but also provide something healthy for the kids to enjoy as well! (And when you taste them you will never know that they are as healthy as they are because they are THAT good!)

They make an incredible protein-based snack that you can have throughout the course of your day… In addition to the fact that they are a great way to curb a sweet craving and can also be eaten for breakfast as well!

The recipe that I’m sharing with you today is one of our absolute favorites! It is also one of my most highly requested recipes to date featuring one of our most popular flavors of Herbalife‘s formula 1…Strawberry Cheesecake!

One of the things I absolutely love about making these donuts is that they’re super fun to make and you can make this a super fun activity to do with your family! You can also add to the fun by decorating your own individual donuts to your liking so you already know the twins absolutely loved that!

Also note that for these donuts you don’t have to add any additional toppings outside of the icing because the icing is absolutely delicious and is all you need to make these incredible donuts… But because the kids wanted to decorate our donuts specifically we went all out and used sprinkles!

Also, if you’re trying to watch calories etc.… Keep in mind that anything that you add to the donut as a topping you will definitely want to make sure to count and track if you are someone that tracks macros or counts calories. (I do not count calories nor do my clients but I know there are those individuals who do so I wanted to make sure that I mentioned that!)

Also note that you do not have to use strawberry cheesecake Formula 1 to create these donuts because there are tons of recipes you can make using all of our flavors of Formula 1! The beauty of my Herbalife products is that you can literally make these donuts out of any of our Formula 1 and Protein Drink Mix flavors and get super creative with them! (So if you would like us to share with you some of those other recipes that we’ve created, thumbs up the video on YouTube below and we will most definitely share those with you as well!)

Note: This recipe makes six small donuts.

To grab your Herbalife products for this recipe, make sure to check out my Herbalife products here to grab your Formula 1 and Protein Drink Mix… Of course pick whatever flavor you would like to make your donuts out of but for this recipe you will need the following:

Here are the 2 Herbalife products you need for this recipe:

Strawberry Cheesecake Formula 1: https://teamtransformation.goherbalife.com/Catalog/Product/Details/en-US/018K

Vanilla Protein Drink Mix: https://teamtransformation.goherbalife.com/Catalog/Product/Details/en-US/1426

Here are the other items you need:

Donut Pan:

Almond Flour:

Almond Milk

Vanilla Extract:

Baking Soda:


Sugar Free Cheesecake Flavored Jello Mix:


First, pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees.

Next, you will combine the following into a bowl:

1/4 cup Strawberry Cheesecake Formula 1

1/4 cup Vanilla Protein Drink Mix

1/2 cup Almond Flour

2 eggs

1/2 cup Almond Milk

1/4 tsp Baking Soda

1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract

Mix these items up until you have a smooth texture.

Make sure to spray your donut tray with non-stick spray to avoid the donuts sticking to the donut tray.

Fill each donut half-way up. Put the donut tray in the oven at 350 degrees for 15 -18 minutes.

While your donuts are baking it's time to make the icing!

For the icing, you will combine:

1 Scoop Strawberry Cheesecake Formula 1

2 Scoops Vanilla Protein Drink Mix

1/2 cup Almond Milk

1 tbsp Sugar Free Cheesecake Jello Mix

Combine these ingredients until you reach the texture you desire!

Once you take the donuts out of the oven, make sure to let them cool before icing them. Ice them up...decorate them with your favorite toppings if you want...and ENJOY!

When I say you're going to LOVE these donuts...you will LOVE them!

I would love to see the donuts you make so if you decide to make these donuts, tag me on Instagram so I can see it and repost you!

(Instagram: SocialiteSande)

I hope you enjoy this recipe! There are more recipes to come so stay tuned!


About the Creator

Socialite Sande

I'm a Twin Mom, Youtuber, Wife, Fitness lover & All-Around DORK! Here you'll find all things Parenthood (Mom Hacks included), Fashion, Party Planning, Travel, Food & Fitness! I'm a firecracker & love to make people laugh so enjoy your stay!

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  • Corinne Jenkins2 years ago

    Okay, obsessed. 🍩

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