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Season of Believing

Through the eyes of a 10 year old

By Ashley MatteiPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Christmas 2019

This year might be a little tougher to dig on down to our celebratory feels when it comes to Christmas. 2020 has been no easy year for any single one of us. We have let holidays and birthdays pass without seeing the ones we love in effort to keep them and ourselves healthy and safe. We have walked around with our faces covered and our identities masked themselves. We have had fear in our hearts for our neighbors, friends and families and not only because of Covid-19 but for equality reasons and more. This year has been a trial. So this Christmas should be a celebration that we who are here can embrace the magic of the holiday however we celebrate it. Normally we would be gathering with our family for a huge family party which now will be done through a zoom session. We will however still make our ham dinner on Christmas eve and put out the milk and cookies for the big guy to grace our boys beautiful mind, which is what this story will be about. He was asked today to write about Santa and the North Pole and what he imagines it to be. Through everything life has thrown, he still believes in the magic of wonder, something we should all dig on down and find again. So here it is, magic through imagination. Enjoy.

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Imagine the North Pole. The work shop is messy but the teleporter teleports the gifts into the gift bags. The workshop box makes the gifts by magic powder with the help of the elves, dragons and reindeer as well as the star of magic! The star of magic creates dragons and decides what type and what gifts they have. The star of magic also powers the magic powder given to the dragons and reindeer by combining the two species, making the dragons have magical antlers. The magical antlers help the dragons fly and grants their magical gifts.

The main house where Santa and Mrs. Claus live also houses the energy transmitter that powers the road leading to the house. The oven cooks the food but also makes magical outfits. Also, the gravity manipulator choses the gravity level of the village. The gravity manipulator also creates the ritual for the star of magic and powers the teleporter. The stables located behind the house protect the magical creatures such as the elves, reindeer and dragons. While in the stables, the creatures are cloaked for protection. The stables also provides a place for training the magical creatures to fight, paint and other exciting things. The stables play a very important role in Santa's village.

The lab and hatchery is the last piece of the puzzle here at Santa's village in the North Pole. The lab uses magic dust powder to transform the cross-bred reindeer dragons. Also, the lab makes the locations in Santa's Village. The lab makes recipes and other things that need directions. The hatchery hatches the reindeer through a portal process. The hatchery can train the magical creatures or send them to the stables to be trained further. The hatchery can also create anything that Santa thinks up that many may seem impossible!

So there it is... the story of the North Pole through the eyes of a ten year old boy who still believes in all things magic. magic that so many of us have lost hope in. If this year has taught us anything it should be that we all need a little bit of hope. Magic only exists if you truly believe. It exists and it is real but you have to open your eyes and your heart. This lesson is seen in that of our children, a lesson we can learn from them each and every day.

-Happy Holidays

immediate family

About the Creator

Ashley Mattei

I am a 34 year old Boy Mom times 3! My wife and I just celebrated our first wedding anniversary in October! Writing is a passion for me and I believe the best stories are told through experience!

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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