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"The Scent of Perfume"

A Memory Revived'

By Isra SaleemPublished 25 days ago 3 min read
"The Scent of Perfume"
Photo by Ju Desi on Unsplash

The scent of perfume wafted through the air, transporting me back to a time long past. It was a fragrance that was both familiar and forgotten, like a memory that lingered just out of reach. As I breathed it in, I was suddenly a little girl again, standing in my mother's bedroom, watching as she prepared for a night out.

She would sit at her vanity, surrounded by bottles of perfume and makeup, her hair styled perfectly, and her dress shimmering in the light. She would spritz a little perfume on her wrists and behind her ears, and the scent would fill the room, making me feel like I was in a magical place.

As I grew older, the scent of perfume became synonymous with my mother's love and care. She would wear it every day, and I would catch whiffs of it as she hugged me goodbye in the morning, or as she tucked me in at night. It was a comforting smell, one that made me feel safe and loved.

But as the years went by, the scent of perfume began to fade. My mother stopped wearing it as frequently, and eventually, it was just a memory. I would catch a whiff of it occasionally, on a stranger or in a store, and it would bring back a flood of memories.

One day, I was out shopping when I caught a familiar scent. It was the same perfume my mother used to wear, and it stopped me in my tracks. I followed the smell to a small perfume counter, where an elderly woman was standing, surrounded by bottles of perfume.

She noticed me standing there, entranced, and smiled. "Ah, you've found the scent of your childhood," she said, her voice warm and kind. "It's a powerful thing, isn't it? The way a smell can transport us back to a different time and place?"

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat. "It's my mother's perfume," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "She used to wear it all the time when I was a little girl."

The woman nodded sympathetically. "I'm so glad I could bring back some happy memories for you," she said. "Perfume has a way of doing that, doesn't it? It's like a time machine in a bottle."

I left the store with a small bottle of the perfume, feeling like I had recaptured a piece of my childhood. As I applied it to my wrists and behind my ears, the scent transported me back to those happy times with my mother.

And as I looked in the mirror, I saw not only my own reflection but also the reflection of my mother, smiling back at me, her perfume scenting the air.

As I continued to wear the perfume, I noticed that it not only brought back memories of my mother but also reminded me of the happy times we shared together. It was as if the scent had unlocked a door to my childhood, allowing me to relive the joy and love of those moments.

And so, I will continue to wear the perfume, not just as a reminder of my mother's love but also as a symbol of the happy memories we created together. It may be just a scent, but it holds a wealth of meaning and emotion, transporting me back to a time when life was simpler and love was abundant.

As I apply the perfume today, I am reminded of the power of scent to evoke emotions and memories.And as I smell the familiar fragrance, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and love, knowing that a part of my mother will always be with me.


About the Creator

Isra Saleem

Versatile writer skilled in both tale & stories. Captivate readers with engaging content & immersive narratives. Passionate about informing, inspiring, & entertaining through words.

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