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iPhone with DRC

iPhone with DRC

By Andreas Ntsamba Published 2 months ago 3 min read
iPhone with DRC
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

Current News on Democratic Republic of Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), one of the largest countries in continental Africa with a population of over 100 million. The DRC has sent a notice to Apple, the second-largest company in the world and the company that created the iPhone. The DRC has accused Apple of using blood minerals that were taken from struggle zones in the country. The Republic of Congo, which is ruled by the majority, feels that Apple should stop.

It has sent a formal request to seize and halt operations; if Apple refuses, it will face legal action. Now, let's examine these blood minerals and why they are called the Dr. Three minerals found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are used to make telephones: tantalum, tin, and tungsten together, or 3T. These minerals are found in the ground, are mined, cleaned, and then transformed into phone parts. The DRC is rich in certain minerals and metal stores that are used to make electronic devices like the iPhone.

Majority rule Republic of Congo is a major player in electronic supply chains since it possesses an abundance of all three, however there is a problem. The minerals found in the blood part are not in a protected area and can be accessed. The majority of relaxation no minerals are located in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), in areas that have been embroiled in the fight for For a considerable amount of time, this area has been known as the North and South Kivu territories.

It is teeming with diverse, well-equipped groups, some of which are psychological oppressor groups like the local branch of the Islamic State. There are also various local armies, some of which support the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo, while others receive support from foreign powers. The M23 group, who control enormous tracts of terrain, is one obvious force. They have been fighting the Congalese government for a very long time and have the backing of Rwanda.

Indeed, the English extradition and the annihilation of Rwanda Distinction: This current situation, which has resulted in 15 million deaths at a huge human cost, was created by Rwanda, a neighbouring nation, because of its obsessive focus on the abundant vital resources. my country's underbelly has caused it to lose all sense of reason, while this neighbouring country is still enduring and moving forward with its illegal endeavour to reap tremendous financial benefits.

Rwanda moves a well-equipped local army into the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The M23 group takes over an area rich in minerals, enabling local adults and children to mine these minerals and send them across the border, allowing Rwanda to profit from the DRC's mineral resources. However, the M23 are not the only group doing this; a significant portion of the Outfitted groups have their own forms, have a cut out area they rule with an Iron Clench hand, and force the local people to work in the mines. 3T mines in addition to others The DRC has dubbed them blood minerals as a result. Conal's blood is spilled when they are taken out.

According to the DRC, companies like Apple are involved in this, and by all reports, Apple is not the only Intel HP Even Tes, one of the many brands that have been accused of using blood minerals, has regularly denied this accusation, even though tests over the years have shown a connection. Various tests have been conducted on this, but the organisations refuse to acknowledge the evidence. Instead, they point to a checking organisation whose office is run by wealthy white Europeans and is boosted to clear as many minerals as would be prudent is self-observed, but despite these evident warnings, companies like Apple use these offices to obtain a perfect score.

This is how your Western companies continue to shirk responsibility with the help of compromised observing offices after choosing to ignore the blood on their supplies. Similar organisations use a combination of these various strategies to engage Gen Z through their plethora of lavish and smooth marketing about a green future inclusiveness. Z talk about lip service. We wish the Congales the best of luck as they go off against what may be the world's most formidable organisation, even though Apple may also share some of the blame.


About the Creator

Andreas Ntsamba

I am Andreas Ntsamba, a Namibian citizen, I am a holder of Multi Engine Commercial Pilot. I am a government employee. I don't have a wife (single); I love reading and writing.

my hobby I love using computer to research, writing.

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