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Passport Bros Expect To Be Treated Better In Colombia

Instead, the US State Department had to make a warning against travel to Colombia in search of women.

By sara burdickPublished 2 months ago 14 min read

They even have a website; trust me, none of the passport bros look like that!

Trust me; no one cares about you leaving the USA. I think the saying goes, let the trash take itself out.

I know, I know, I have already pissed off the entire passport bros movement, and they are already telling me emphatically in the comments.

I made a video on staying safe in Medellin and did not mention passport bros; they all came for me. I guess they already knew they were the problem without me saying it.

Yet this problem with the passport bros goes much deeper.

A whole movement is happening in the manosphere, and it shows up in my field because I live abroad, so my YouTube and metrics shove this content in my face.

I should clarify the passport bros movement and lump it together with the red pill movement.

As well as include that these men are also against dating anyone their age; they are pissed that they get passed over on dating apps and think women are too ¨picky¨ and there are no good women left.

Insert set my Tinder profile to overseas, and women <25 years old, non-English speaking, looking for a sugar daddy. No No I mean a ¨real man¨.

Back to the passport bro movement:

How do I imagine them when I tell men to be safe in Medellin? This is just for fun.

Most likely yelling at the screen, ¨She is why we left the US¨, jokes on you; I probably left before you did. Since this movement became famous, when was it two years ago?

Many of us (men and women) left the US when we saw the writing on the walls at least 4–5 years ago, and didn’t need ¨the red pill passport bro movement to tell us what to do¨. I am getting ahead of myself, tho.

I, as a Western woman, have single-handedly destroyed the nuclear family and all relationships, according to the passport bros/red pillers.

We all have ladies (insert eye roll). We have a fragile male ego to watch out for. Can you smile and be nice again? (sarcasm!)

If you are a woman with a career and don’t buy into the traditional wife role, you should wait on a man hand and foot. And You should bow down and kiss the ground he walks on because he.. well I have nothing here to add.

I know Mr. Passport Bro/Red Piller.. I/We Western women are the problem.

What has he done? Obviously, nothing, not his/their issue. See above; we are the problem!! 👆

Listen up, dudes; It is not the 1950s, and women are no longer seen as property unless you are a passport bro and you are going overseas to find a woman who you think will do all these things for you.

Your typical passport bro/red pill man making content

Typically, men who earn a low salary can not afford to support their women and family in the US and will not help around the house since ¨ that’s women’s work¨.

Instead, they see Latina and Asian women as more traditional women.

Since they cook, however, those educated and speaking three or four languages will be more modernized. Then, of course, the passport bro blames the Western women for modernizing them.

I know; it’s all our fault!

A lot of Western women do not care these men are seeking these women overseas; again, let the trash take themselves out.

The problem is that they take to social media and decide to make a big deal about it: look at this traditional woman I found on a small island in BFE Colombia. She speaks no English but loves me and cooks for me.

Really, she loves you? I know what she really loves, and it starts with a D. Not that one, you sickos!

This makes other men think this is the ULTIMATE FLEX and WANT IT because, again, women in the West suck.

Then it shows up on my feed and makes me want to get a root canal without pain meds, so instead, I write. Since I hate the dentist.

However, as a woman, I do not want these women in other countries to be caught off guard. Most of the smart ones who have options will not choose these men. Again, Western women, it’s our fault. We went over there and told them what to do.

And just like in the US, these men will still be at the bottom of the barrel in another country, and don’t worry, blame feminism. Blame western women for wanting rights and for not wanting children, and wanting an equal partnership and to be respected as a person.

So why are they all flocking to Colombia at the moment?

A few reasons.

  • Prostitution is legal. Most of these passport bros either hire prostitutes or try to wife them, and then they get eliminated.
  • Proximity to the US. Quick flights to Florida.
  • Women from the US suck, duh!

I must digress for a minute. Dating and falling in love with someone overseas is entirely appropriate; it happens.

However, when a specific person is searching for someone to be their slave, that is not okay.

Today, I watched an excellent video on this topic. However, she does not name them as passport bros.

The video discusses how men prefer to date younger women. It's on topic with the passport bro movement because they, too, like women in their early 20s—typically 20 years older than their prey, I mean girlfriends.

She goes on to say how the red-pill men tell women that after 30 if they are not married and wake up, they ¨hit a wall¨ and are not valuable anymore in society.

Essentially, men go on to state that if you are over 30, childless, and single, you hold no value. Really? Maybe they are projecting just a little??

She also says that single women are the happiest group of people.

Yes, even us old hags who are single in our 40s.

I am glad to see that we women are taking a stand. Furthermore, the video continues to say that most older men date younger women because they are easier to manipulate.

I remember my 20s, I was more pliable, and this is what this group of men want: a controllable woman who doesn’t realize he’s too much of a loser to get a woman his age. Maybe he does realize it, and that's why he seeks out women he can control, manipulate and mold.

It sounds like the passport bro movement took it one step further: get a woman who doesn’t even speak your language, flash some cash, and they think they can get anyone.

Oh, they also warn ¨never let her have Western women friends, or take her to the Western world¨ obviously we will corrupt her.

Okay, back on topic.

This topic can go anywhere. It is a heated debate between women and men, causing a lot of drama on YouTube and anywhere there is a discussion forum.

So, let’s look at this from two angles and with many questions.

So a question for the passport bros, if you want a ¨traditional woman¨ does you going out and fucking everything that walks make you the type of man these traditional women want?

Since the narrative of the passport bro is a Western woman, if she is not a virgin, she is ¨spoiled¨. Not my words; 99.9% of the red pill content also discusses this. But you can hire prostitutes and be a player, and women are supposed to praise you?

Passport Bros

According to Urban Dictionary, passport bros are men who prefer to date foreign women in other countries. They believe “Western women have been influenced by cultural and societal pressures to behave in a certain way.”

Many passport bros claim they are not sexpats, but if the shoe fits.

I am going to focus primarily on Colombia. Since it is the country I have chosen to make my home, the US government has recently had to get involved in the passport bros movement.

However, they did not come out and say ¨passport bros, ¨ as that would not be diplomatic, would it?

Let’s discuss what is happening in Colombia first, and then we will see if the US State Department’s warning applies to these so-called passport bros. We call this the red pill movement.

Wikipedia has described the red pill movement as:

The concept of red and blue pills has since been widely used as a political metaphor in the United States. “ Taking the red pill” or being “red-pilled” means becoming aware of the political biases inherent in society, including in the mainstream media, and ultimately becoming an independent thinker, while “taking the blue pill” or being “blue-pilled” means unquestioningly accepting these supposed biases.


Sexpat is an expatriate with a goal for short-term or long-term sexual relationships.

I was raised to be a traditional woman, to take care of the man I am with, and guess what? Modern men did not want that.

I was only valuable to them if I had a high-paying job.

I might have been raised as a traditional woman by my grandmother, who survived the depression, but I am a very modern woman.

Lately, I have felt guilty about this, that I can provide for myself, do not want children, and do not see the need for a husband unless we are partners and friends.

Not because I am a weak girl, woman. I do not need a man in my life to raise and pander to, no fucking way.

Most men I knew and dated wanted a woman who could take care of herself and did not rely on her husband.

Since the passport bro-red pill movement will make you feel that as a modern woman, we are the problem, of course, it is not the men.

Side noted this was all over YouTube at that moment. Western women were angry, and passport bros then felt justified.

It is all a shitshow and not a big deal. You don’t want to date a Western woman, don’t.

However, don’t come online to make up for your small dick by saying all Western women are the downfall of civilization.

Men primarily told us to get jobs and go to college. Then they blame the feminist movement; if I am not mistaken, this movement was started so we were not the property of men.

Before this movement, men told us what to do and locked us up in psychiatric units for having PMS, so it was a much-needed movement.

I saw a great video that said these men want a 1950s homemaker without being a 1950s husband! That’s spot on!

No, we don´t give a flying fuck.

So what happens?

Let’s get into this, and I am sure I have already angered those men who think we women are the devil. Luckily, most readers are not bottom-of-the-barrel feeders looking for a woman to control.

99.9% of men in my life respect women; in return, the women respect men. It’s a balance between the two, not a control and manipulative relationship.

Question for those who are on board with the Red-Pill Movement?

So I ask, there had to be a movement for you to realize the government can not be trusted; maybe I was raised always to be an independent thinker and question everything.

Those who have adapted the red pill thought process had to be told to adjust it. I know you are already pissed, ¨no one told me to adapt the red pill, blah blah blah¨.

Well, the movement apparently ¨woke¨ you up; okay, great. Most of us who think independently were born this way; we didn’t need a movement to tell us how to think.


How are the red pillers related to the passport bros? Oh, well, this is easy. All of the red pillers are passport bros. Oh, and they all think they are alpha males.

That’s why they had to move to a country where they could assert dominance. Sorry if you laugh at this point ( most of my readers are more intelligent than the average passport, bro).

So, passport bros can not support themselves in the US, so they must move abroad to find a traditional woman.

What does a traditional woman mean to them?

Here is what one self-proclaimed passport bro states, taken from this article on Business Insider.

One of the best things about being a passport bro is the lower cost of living abroad. For example, earning $40,000 in some countries is enough to support a family. This means that my partner can choose whether to work or not or whether to focus on running the house and taking care of our children. In the US, many dual-income families can’t have the same freedom and flexibility because living there is much more expensive.

So, as a woman, let me break this down.

Is he saying he doesn’t earn enough money to support a family in the US? If so, he and his wife would have to work.

I know a lot of women who would rather stay at home and take care of their children, take care of the house, and not work a traditional job.

However, that would mean this man must work harder in the US to provide for his family. I am not saying he is wrong for not wanting to slave away for a system that is broken; what I disagree with is thinking that Western women would not like this opportunity to stay home.

Many women would love to stay home and raise their children. Indeed, most people in the US do not get this opportunity; however, should we blame the woman or the flawed system?

Many men think their leaving has hurt the women in the US. I can tell you, we happily tell you goodbye; no one wants you.

Why do I say this?

If you aren’t willing to work hard to care for your family and earn enough money for your wife to stay home in the US, how is this the woman’s fault?

It sounds like these men, whom I speak of, leave the US to satisfy their ego and urge to control their partners. By using again the all might D.

This makes me laugh because….

If a woman tells her husband in the US she wants to stay home and let the man work, she is called a gold digger.

Yet men go to other countries and search for women who wish for a man to care for them. They lead with their wallets (ironic, isn’t it?), yet they don’t call them golddiggers; why?

What is the difference?

Most men who come to Colombia seek out women who don’t have great jobs or don’t even work, and then they come swooping in like the hero. They are not a hero; they simply can’t afford their lifestyle in the US, so they have to outsource.

This is not all men; please do not misinterpret me. A small handful are causing so many issues the State Dept had to get involved!

I know a lot of good men who have found love outside of their country; they are not who this article is for.

Love can happen anywhere. Yet when you are being hunted because you are young, easily pliable, and easily manipulated, I get angry.

So let’s get back to the problem of the passport bros at hand that caused the USA to step in. These so-called passport bros and red pillers who want traditional women come here and look for one via prostitutes and on Tinder. Isn’t that where we find a traditional woman? I thought so. (sarcasm)

So many of these men have been ending up dead in their pursuit of love. No, not love.

They come here to take advantage of legal prostitution and pay for play, and they are paying, unfortunately, with their lives. A minimum of 8 ended up dead and found in their rooms, and now the numbers have increased since the warrant.

Here is what the US State Department said, and the warning was:

The embassy notice advises users to “Be cautious if using online dating apps in Colombia. “If meeting with a stranger, you should strongly consider meeting only in public places and avoiding isolated locations, such as residences or hotel rooms, where crimes are most likely to occur.”

The fact that the embassy had to make a statement about this already tells us about the type of people coming here.

The argument from many who are passport bros or sexpats is ¨prostitution is legal, ¨ actually. However, it’s also legal in Las Vegas; go there. Here, it is pay-for-play with your life. Colombia is still a dangerous country.

So why does this irritate me?

I am a female, and I left the US in 2018. If I go online into one of the many toxic Facebook groups about Colombia, one of the main topics is always: where can I meet a woman?

Where can I meet a ¨traditional¨ woman? ¨I am sick of Western women destroying the world¨.

Oh, and then if these toxic men find out a woman has moved to Colombia, they say why is she here? We have no right to be here, so why? Isn’t it a free country, not a ¨this country is only open for passport bros seeking a traditional woman¨.

Palease.. I can’t even make this stuff up. Then there are the men who have good jobs and make much money; they are just as bad.

They are the ones who are the loudest, they say; Western women have too high expectations. Yet, if you are a true alpha, you will know how to date a woman who knows what she wants.

These men have the money to flash around and can pay for high-end prostitutes, and I am guessing who the State Department is targeting. They are on YouTube showing how much money they have, peacocking.

Oh, back to what they think of Western women moving here; we are ruining their customs and destroying the women, not the men paying them for sex.

They also dare to tell us Western women that the men here suck, and they are ugly, lazy, and don’t have good jobs. Wait, it sounds like hypocrisy at its finest.

I can tell you almost all the men and women I have met in Colombia are hard workers; they are innovative. They are not sitting around waiting for a savior to save them. They are busy making things happen, not bitching about how much Western women suck.

These men who complain, passport bros mainly, are covering up for their small dicks, and the fact that they couldn’t make it in their home country.

Most likely, they skipped out on child support and are looking to start over. They never take time to speak the language and then wonder why they get robbed.

Yet don’t worry, they still blame the Western woman. Maybe take responsibility for issues in your life before you spew the venom onto others or find a TRAD wife.

I didn’t even touch on a video I saw the other day that said, I will never date women over 30. Trust me, no woman over 30 wants a little boy.

Did I cross the line?



Check out my new website, where I am slowly transitioning all my content.

Bad habitsTabooHumanity

About the Creator

sara burdick

I quit the rat race after working as a nurse for 16 years. I now write online and live abroad, currently Nomading, as I search for my forever home. Personal Stories, Travel and History

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