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Best Marilyn Manson Songs

When it comes to gothic and hard rock, one name instantly comes to mind...Marilyn Manson.

By Vishal NegiPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

When it comes to gothic and hard rock, one name instantly comes to mind...Marilyn Manson. He is one of the leading goth musical artists in the world of rock-n-roll. All of his songs have been known to be both dark and challenging to the typical hard rock culture. This made the fans more addicted to his music (especially when it came to the gothic culture fans who followed him). There are some of his songs that are considered the best Marilyn Manson songs ever, while other songs of his that were just as good were not considered “hits” on the billboard charts.

Many singers made their name by their impressive performances and outrageous outfits, and Marilyn Manson did, too. Like an ordinary human being, Marilyn also faced many difficulties in his life, but he made those situations his strength. Marilyn is a self-made rockstar and always proved himself living in his truth even when some of his rock and roll peers did not think too highly of him because of the way he pushed the envelope when it came to his music and actions.

Despite what others thought, here are some of the best Marilyn Manson songs that made him the well-known rockstar he is:

The Nobodies

In 1999, after the shooting of Columbine school, Marilyn was intensely targeted by public media. The reason for targeting Marilyn is declining to speak publicly about the incident. As he is one of the most outspoken singers, he decided to release a song. As a result of his decision, he released “The Nobodies.” “The nobodies” is one of the best Marilyn songs from his 2000 album named “Holy Wood.” This song clears the picture of the shooters of Columbine.

The Dope Show

The Dope Show is one of the best songs from his 1998 album named “Mechanical Animals.” This song is released at the height of Marilyn’s career. This song is purely for people who practice atheism and are considered soulless. The thought of Marilyn was the same as a soulless human. The public titled the video of this song “Legendary.” One of the top-notch videos Marilyn ever made.

No reflection

As Marilyn faced many ups and downs in his life, this song was released in the down period of his career. This song is from the album “Born Villain” in 2012. This song is released forcefully by his label. At the down period of his career, he was too depressed to record any music or any video. To please his label and his fans, he decided to record another song. They assured Marilyn that this song would be the blockbuster of all time. And guess what? All went the same. This song is one of the best Marilyn Manson songs.

Disposable Teens

Again, one of the significant and best songs from the album “Holy Wood.” The most beautiful and most straightforward song ever sung by Marilyn Manson. This song is a clear picture of the life of any teenager. Manson describes the problems faced by teenagers. One of the most soulful songs of Marilyn Manson. This song is beautifully performed by using the guitar.

Sweet Dreams

Marilyn Manson released this song in 1983. Manson made a beautiful cover of this song with his own identity and made this song the band’s identity. This song is one of the most sold Marilyn Manson ever made. Many fans of Manson titled this song a masterpiece. Marilyn never fails to amaze his listeners with his rugged sound and power-packed performances.

The Beautiful People

We are not wrong if we call this song an anthem. This was one of the most influential and honest anthems created by Marilyn Manson throughout his career. This song is beautifully sung by using guitar and different vocals pitches. The reason for making this anthem was to make the world realize how beautiful humans are. This song is very energetic, as well as straightforward.

These are some of the best Marilyn Manson songs he ever made. These are just from the list of hundreds and selling more than 50 million albums worldwide. As every person has a different taste in music, many fell in love with Marilyn and his music. The most incredible and engaging songs Marilyn ever sang.

song reviews

About the Creator

Vishal Negi

Vishal Negi is a seasoned Marketing Analyst and Blogger. With his skills, he has been helping fellow marketers and brands worldwide. You can reach him out at:

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