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Before the Fame: Unveiling 100 Feddi's Captivating Debut EP

100 Feddi's musical prowess and dedication shine brightly through this impressive project

By mysoundMusicPublished 4 months ago 8 min read
100 Feddi

What inspired you to pursue music?

When I was younger I was a big music fan. Watching music videos all day, on iTunes trying to download the hottest ringtones, and burning music mixes on cds to listen to or to give to people.

It wasn't until I started writing my own lyrics and rapping them during lunch in middle school, when I realized I might want to be a rapper. It was years later when I actually pursued it but it was always on my mind.

How did you come up with your stage name, 100 Feddi?

My nickname “Feddi" came during highschool mainly as a way of me manifesting money and riches in my life by having people call me a name that was a form of currency.

When I decided to actually release music I knew I wanted a two name stage name like some of my favorite artists at the time (The Weeknd, Kanye West, Big Sean, & Wiz Khalifa). So I decided to add the “100” which was really who I was as a person that always kept it real, honest, and truthful.

This is exciting, your 1st EP … What inspired you to choose the title "Before The Fame" for your EP?

I was inspired to name my ep Before The Fame for one reason and one reason only, I really feel like the phase I'm in is just a stepping stone to all my dreams I had when I was young.

I like to claim I'm a lifestyle rapper where I just speak on where I’m currently at in life and the thoughts/feelings that might come from that phase. Currently I’m Before The Fame and I believe this is my beginning.

Could you walk us through the creative process behind the songs on your EP?

in a minute

“One of the first songs I recorded at Quad Studios, when I decided I was going to record the whole ep there. This song to me not only sets the tone of the whole ep but almost my journey entirely. I wrote this song during one of my many moments of doubt. I remember feeling I wasn't good enough or that it's taking me too long to get noticed, but instead of writing a song that would spiral me deeper into wicked thoughts, I decided to make a personal anthem for myself to motivate me to keep going and to remind me that “I'll be there in a minute.” The song itself ended up becoming something special on its own and I personally feel that anybody that is currently chasing their dreams/goals can relate to this record and maybe feel a sense of peace while listening.”

only me

“Once again , whenever I feel down or in a mood, writing a song seems to help me a lot. So the mentality I had going into writing “only me” was literally what the song title is. I was feeling like I only had myself and it was only me that cared about my music, my life, and my goals/aspirations. Even though I have a great family and a small close circle of friends, I always was a bit of a loner and felt like it was only me that completely understands and supports what I have going on. So what I did is what I do best and made a song reflecting that feeling and that's how you get track 2.”

blame me

“Now “blame me" is the only track on this ep that hints at a past relationship where I was the blame for everything going wrong and why things ended. Now before I continue let me just say that all my music is conceptual for the average listener to relate to, but it is based on my real life and my real experiences. Going back to “blame me”, the song basically is me accepting the fact that I was the blame and I understand expecting a girl to stay while my dreams and goals don’t line up with hers is unrealistic. On the flip side though, i'm a firm believer in manifestation also I’m a child of god and I’m always going to bet on myself so “i don't blame you, but don’t blame me when a n***a straight”

truth hurts

“Truth hurts, truth hurts, truth hurts, now what can I say about this record that this record doesn't already do itself. I would personally vote this record as my most introspective and personal record on this ep. From me speaking on almost getting robbed, to me pleading on the hook to tell me lies because the truth hurts, this record for three verses goes on about how I really feel during this phase of my life (BEFORE THE FAME). Truth hurts is my personal favorite on the EP because it reminds me of my favorite introspective songs from rappers, even though I wouldn't consider myself as a conscious rapper or a backpack rapper, growing up that's all I listened to. Truth hurts is one of those records you listen to if you want to understand me more.”

my ego

“The last but surely not the least song of my debut ep is “my ego”. To me this song perfectly captures the essence of not only how I think and feel but who I’m trying to project as an artist. I want to be the artist you listen to when you wanna feel heard, when you wanna feel understood, or when you wanna know who else may be feeling like I am. “My ego” is a song about a battle in my head that goes on between my conscious and subconscious, with my conscious being me and my subconscious being my ego. I also respond to all the imaginary haters (because I can't see them anyway) and doubters on this track starting off with the line “I'm so sick of the insults, they talk about me like I can’t hear their voice.” I always felt like I was different even before being different was special/accepted. Growing up the way I did and in the environment I did, (being from New Haven, Connecticut) I always felt like an outsider. People over the years made me feel like my opinion wasn’t valid and my voice is better on mute."

How do you feel this EP represents your growth as an artist?

This is my first ep so I think the growth of me gaining confidence and finding my sound is best represented on the ep. Even if you didn't hear any songs before this, I feel like you hear I've spent some time developing myself.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you wanted to convey through your music on this project?

Well the title of the ep is “Before The Fame”, I wanted anybody who listens to the ep to hear the raw talent and hunger from this brand new artist who’s claiming he is going to be big one day.

"Too Involved" is a standout track from your EP. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your song and what it means to you personally?

This song is actually the first official song recorded off the ep back in 2021 at Soundloft (a recording studio in my home State of Connecticut). I have been sitting on this record for almost three years and for some reason it still sounds as good as if I recorded it yesterday. Originally this song was going to be a single but I personally felt like the record was too strong for me to release it before I was ready.

Now me being the impatient/perfectionist person I am, I was nervous that by the time the ep was done that “Too Involved’ would’ve sounded outdated or irrelevant to where I was. I personally always struggled with what records I put out or what would people want to hear from me, mainly due to the fact that the whole time I’ve been on this journey I’ve been only guided by God and myself. So when I showed the record to Rob (the engineer at Quad Studios) and told him that I’m planning on keeping this record on the EP, he told me I should and that the record is unique.

So, after going back and forth with myself I decided to have him remix and remaster the song with the original session from Soundloft and when I say I love this record, I MEAN IT, I LOVE THIS RECORD.”

What was the most memorable moment or experience while working on "Before the Fame"?

Probably driving to New York from Connecticut to go and record this EP at the legendary “Quad Studios”. It was always fun having to drive to the city and record music.

Is there a particular song on the album that you feel represents your best work?

I would have to say “Truth Hurts” that song means so much to me personally. I was probably the most vulnerable on the song and sonically that’s my sound.

What song do fans seem to favor?

People I've heard from really like “Too Involved”, “Only Me”, “Blame Me” & “Truth Hurts”. The number one seems to be “Too Involved” though.

Do you, or would you like to, perform live?

I have never performed before. I would love to experience that and feel that energy and hopefully be able to turn some people into fans.

What song, any song, do you think would be fun to perform live?

I think “Too Involved” would be extremely exciting to perform just based on the production and the type of record it is, but I think “Only Me” would be amazing as well.

How do you navigate the fine line between staying true to your artistic vision and meeting the expectations of your audience?

For me I never really had a fan base or an audience so I try to be just true to me every time I write a song. My hope is if I just keep being the best version of myself people will notice and will support one day.

What advice would you give aspiring artists looking to explore diverse genres and create a unique sound like you have?

I would suggest spending a lot of time with yourself to really figure out what you like, what you don’t like, and how you want to sound/portray yourself to people. If you do that, your natural self would come out and shine and as long as its authentic you would essentially have your own sound,

What is your favorite/best outlet to connect with your followers Instagram, Spotify, FB, Twitter, iTunes? How would you want them to follow?

I would say instagram @onehunnitfeddi

Can you share any future projects or collaborations that we can look forward to?

Right now im pushing this ep but i’m always writing and making music so next for me would probably be a single.

Finally, what lies ahead for 100 Feddi's musical journey, and how do you envision your growth and evolution as an artist?

Right now I'm trying to live in the moment and have faith my time will come one day. In the meantime I’ma keep working on my craft and my skill.



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