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Update – Grocery List Challenge

Deadline, Prizes, Rules Notice

By Mackenzie DavisPublished 7 months ago 2 min read
Top Story - November 2023
Update – Grocery List Challenge
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

With the deadline for the "I'd Read Your Grocery List" challenge coming up on Saturday, November 18th, I wanted to address a couple things I set up in the initial post.

Oh, by the way, you can find the challenge details below. There are still eleven days to enter!

First item of business: PRIZES.

I asked you all for input on cash prizes for the unofficial challenges; you know, what makes them fun, whether money is motivating or demotivating, if you're more likely to participate if there's a prize, etc. The crux of the answers I got was, "no, the prizes don't affect my decision to participate, and while money is cool, the prompt and community are more important."

And, well, I agree.

The unofficial challenges are a great way to build the Vocal community, to get the creative juices flowing, and overall, to have fun! Money might motivate us too, but it can take away from the positivity that we crave by altering our motivations.

Therefore, I will not be issuing prizes for this challenge. Perhaps if I think up a different one in future, things will be different. I do like the idea of offering money, even if it's just a couple bucks.

Next item of business: RULES.

Or, rather, the judging process.

My original article for this challenge laid out one simple rule: no context beside the list, time/date, emojis, & formatting tricks.

The aim is to consider how you can use minimalism to tell a story without the need for traditionally poetic devices. As such, I will be the most adherent to this rule because of what I want the challenge to do. If your entry has too much context, too many reasons for each item or each trip to the store, too much overt "telling," I'll grade it lower than those that are more minimalist.

I'll list the winners as a showcase of my favorites. At least 3: one that blew my mind, an under-appreciated gem, and one that got the most attention.

Second, I'm not sure I addressed if the list had to be for a grocery store only; in my mind, this was a "shopping list" challenge, lol. So, in reading through some of the entries, I've found that I really don't mind if the lists are for a grocery store, a super store like Target or Walmart (that offer more than just food), or a store specific for a particular activity like construction/gardening. So, no worries if you feel as though yours might have been non-compliant.

Finally, I want to remind everyone that I'm absolutely cool with 2 entries per person! If you've only submitted one or if you'd like to try again with a different style, I'm excited to read more. 🤩

Got any questions for me?

I'll be happy to clear up any confusion in the comments!

Cheers, everyone. And thank you to all who have participated so far! It's been super fun to read your creative takes on the challenge. November 19th (the results) will be a very interesting day. 💖


About the Creator

Mackenzie Davis

“When you are describing a shape, or sound, or tint, don’t state the matter plainly, but put it in a hint. And learn to look at all things with a sort of mental squint.” Lewis Carroll

Find me elsewhere.

Copyright Mackenzie Davis.

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  • ROCK 7 months ago


  • Test7 months ago

    excellent communication and transparency, addressing important aspects of the challenge with clarity and consideration for the participants.... Stay happy and blessed

  • Babs Iverson7 months ago

    Congratulations on Top Story!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Jennifer David7 months ago

    Do we copy the link to our poem in the comments on the original article to submit/enter?

  • Alexander McEvoy7 months ago

    Hey congrats on Top Story! Strikes me as odd choice for one, but the writing gods are fickle things and their grand design beyond our understanding :) Really looking forward to seeing who wins! Maybe I’ll even find the right kind of story to tell before the deadline (that word took FIVE tries to write properly, I must be tired)

  • Paul Stewart7 months ago

    Okay...so this got Top Story...congrats? Do you have the midas touch as well as the poetic prowess?

  • Teresa Renton7 months ago

    I’m glad there’s still time yay! I love hermit crab stories 🤗

  • Eleven more days. Let's see if Mr Brain decides to come up with anything. He's been very uncooperative lately, lol!

  • I've started one, but I'm not too sure about it.

  • E.K. Daniels7 months ago

    This is so fun! Ever since I read to grocery list poem, i thought, “how clever! I want to try this!” And so I shall. What a fun idea, and I really enjoy the minimalist aspect. Off to read the other article! Stay tuned! 😊

  • Cathy holmes7 months ago

    I'm looking forward to seeing what people come up with.

  • Paul Stewart7 months ago

    Thanks for the update, pal! All sounds good to me. I have a few ideas for a second entry. If NaNoWriMo doesn't steal all my brains power. I'm old remember? lol. Also, don't have any questions...though really wanna be an ass and ask you one anyway... "What is the current temperature in Santa Cruz?" Oh, you meant about the challenge. I still expect an answer though!

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