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Endings (Unofficial Challenge)

What they are and how they come about

By Shirley BelkPublished 21 days ago 3 min read
Saving the Best for Last

An ending has a beginning, of course. And this one does, also. It all started with a challenge. After all, who doesn't love a challenge? Even if you don't particularly like joining in and competing in one, I'm sure that you might be curious as to who wins?

To put your mind at rest, I am yet to win a challenge, official or unofficial. And probably, most of you haven't either. But that's okay, too. We still enjoy writing and competing, don't we? (By the way, I always subscribe to the winners so I can get better by reading their works...) I'm never too old to learn.

In April of this year, 2024, Babs Iverson, offered a wonderful, unofficial challenge called, "Ask Me In December." I chose to format my entry in poetry. I wrote "Fake It Until You Make It" and I actually got a Top Story from it. And if you read it, thank you very much!

Some of the comments left from that poem were: "I loved the characters and how they progressed," "An entire cycle of a relationship in one poem," and many readers discussed the "ending," like this one: "This was sweet, and I want to know, do they make it?" Although this poem was completely fictional and meant to be fun, it did bring up the challenges relationships faced.

Fast forward to May of 2024, when Randy Baker posted his "PROMPTED #4" " unofficial challenge for May. The challenge was to choose a published poem and retell it in short story form. So, I created, "Fake it Til You Make It (the Story)"

The "true challenge" to writing a story on Vocal is brevity. Not many readers will be willing to take 16 minutes to engage their attention span. (Unless it is truly captivating for them.) I get it. I'm one of those readers, too. And writing fiction is not at all my forte. But I still press on because I want to get better at it. And I'm a sucker for a challenge...any kind. (I especially want to thank those of you who took those 16 minutes!)

The results aren't in yet for Randy's challenge (going to admire him no matter what, though,) and our sweet Babs has since created another Top Story for herself entitled, "THE ENVELOPE PLEASE," where she breaks down her judging technique. I am so grateful for creators who do these challenges for others!

So, this article/story begins with a challenge, has a challenge within the original, and so to end my creations, I thought it only befitting to end it with a challenge of my own to you!


1) You will probably need to read my poem and story first. (Listings at footnote)

2) Read "Types of Endings" by Cole Salao listed below:

3) Pick the type of ending from those in Cole's article and answer the question of what happened to Rich and Janie...did they make it or not? *List the type of ending you chose and why in a post-note in your entry...won't be counted in word count, though.

4) Make an entry using no more than 400 words. (Micro-fiction)

5) Post your entry under the comments section in this article.

6) Entries must be posted by May 25th.

7) Winners announced on June 1st. Winnings will be paid per Stripe on that day.

First place: $15

Second place: $10

Third place: $5

8) One entry per person, please.


Judging will be based on:

*did you follow the rules?

*did it answer the question if Janie & Rich made it or not?

*did the title match the story?

*does the picture match the story?

*the comments you receive from your readers (their input)

Thank you for participating :)

Writing ExerciseProcessChallenge

About the Creator

Shirley Belk

Mother, Nana, Sister, Cousin, & Aunt who recently retired. RN (Nursing Instructor) who loves to write stories to heal herself and reflect on all the silver linings she has been blessed with

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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Comments (13)

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  • Angie the Archivist 📚🪶8 days ago

    Hilarious 😆… decision made for me! Entries must be posted by May 25th.🙃

  • Well done dreaming up this challenge Shirley! I just learnt about it in John Cox’s story. Very clever building on previous challenges. I’m not sure if I’m up for it… will go & read the required pre-reading see.😊

  • I love the idea here, though I won't be able to join in on this one due to time constraints. Nevertheless, I wanted to drop this great line from Orson Welles: "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story."

  • John Cox17 days ago

    Shirley here is my entry-vous: https://vocal.media/fiction/dear-hearts Am I the first?

  • Novel Allen19 days ago

    It is daunting when a story is really long. This sounds like a grand challenge. If I can keep up I will give it a try. Very interesting.

  • Murali20 days ago

    Excellent 👌👍

  • That 16 minutes was sooooo worth it! I only write horror so I'll skip this challenge. I'm looking forward to reading all the entries!

  • angela hepworth20 days ago

    This sounds really fun Shirley! I’ll definitely participate if I can!

  • Kendall Defoe 21 days ago

    I like this one... 👌

  • Mark Gagnon21 days ago

    Look at you, moving up to the big time with a challenge of your own. I'm involved in a couple of local challenges at the moment, but I'll give yours a try if I can find the time to do it justice. Good luck!

  • John Cox21 days ago

    Sounds like fun, Shirley!

  • Paul Stewart21 days ago

    Oh, Shirley! Me liking you getting involved in unofficial challenges. I shall try and get an entry together for this. Endings fascinate me...I mean...I like unfinished endings really...open-ended endings...but...I shall see what I can do. Well done on concocting this for us all!

  • Lana V Lynx21 days ago

    This is a fun challenge, Shirley!

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