Short and Sweet Challenge Winners (Updated 8/11/2023)

An inside look into the Vocal Curation Team's favorite poems from the Short and Sweet Challenge

By Vocal Curation TeamPublished 10 months ago Updated 10 months ago 3 min read

Write a love poem using only words with four letters or less.

There are so many ways to restrict a writing prompt. We thought it would be fun to limit you to words with up to four letters. In our own attempts at this prompt, we found that it kept our poetry sharp and surprising. At its most basic, we thought of words then replaced them with shorter ones. But when the prompt was really working, it forced us to change whole stanzas or even entire poems.

Boiling words down to their shortest iterations wasn't really the point anymore. The point was, at least for us, to begin to think quickly, monosyllabically even, about writing poetry. How could we imbue the line or stanza with the most meaning with the fewest letters, let the poem rise to the Challenge, not cram a poem into a few short words.

Clearly, we're still thinking about this and it's clear that you thought hard about it, too. Once again, limitation has bred brilliance.

Here are the winners of the Short and Sweet Challenge and spotlight on one of the Runners-Up. You can check out the full list of winners HERE.

$500 Grand Prize Winner

Kate Kastelberg for Worm Moon

A good poem about love rarely mentions the word.

In Worm Moon we are given insight into many moments of love, into revelations about love, though we never see the word love. An owl racing back to its nest over a stunningly described landscape, his partner greeting him, revealing babies on the way, and in happiness, the male owl calls out that his partner should have everything she wants in this life, even the moon.

This poem is delicate but deep, each line builds upon the last. There is no wasted room here. Only yearning, revelation and love, and truly excellent writing. Congratulations, Kate Kastelberg!

$250 Second Place Winner

Hannah Moore for I try to sink

Moore's poem had the tight, natural feel of a haiku. A description of nature using quick, vivid imagery and a twist at the end. It had the same impact, too. Diminutive in its overall length, it left us with a fascinating feeling. This poem felt more like an unlove poem than a love poem. A couple recognizing the bomb hit holes that are covered by the sea, by life, but when life recedes, in the quiet moments, there they are, unavoidable, looking to be filled.

Will the holes be filled by the incoming wave and will that make everything okay again? Will this couple forever be avoiding their troubles? That's what we were left feeling after reading this poem. A tough and beautiful (and very real) message. Congratulations, Hannah Moore!

Honorable Mention

G. Douglas Kerr for So Well

Fun. That's what this poem was. We were with the protagonist for every syllable. Remember how we said good love poems don't mention the word love? This is a fantastic example of a metaphor done well. The cake is really a cake, the cake is the protagonist, the cake is their potential love, the cake is everything. We loved the energy of this poem. Loved. Well done, G. Douglas Kerr!


It was brought to our attention by our creators that half of the Runners-up did not follow the most basic premise of the challenge: to only use words with 4 letters or less. Although the nature of what constitutes a love poem is subjective, a letter count is not. We understand how disappointing this was, and have issued 5 new Runners-up that adhere to these rules today, August 11, 2023. We recognize that it should not be the responsibility of the community to point this egregious error out to us, and we thank you for holding us accountable. We are having serious talks as an organization about how to improve the judging process, and aim to do right by you and the rules in every future challenges. All feedback is welcome and appreciated.


Check out more of our Challenges below:


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Vocal Curation Team

Collaborative, conscious, and committed to content. We're rounding up the best that the Vocal network has to offer.

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Comments (21)

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  • Tayyab Ali10 months ago

    Congrats to all the winners, Check out my story sometime

  • Thavien Yliaster10 months ago

    Due to the situation that has occurred, 5 new challengers were placed amongst the original 12 runner-ups, growing the winners pool in the "Short and Sweet Challenge" to 17 winners. However, there's "still" one entry amongst the other winning entries that doesn't meet the qualifying rules. Will another entry be selected, growing the winning pool from 17 to 18, or will this not be remedied? This still provides the potential for a proper entry to be selected, that meets the competition's requirements/submission guidelines. Vocal, seeing You go the extra mile and make a correction the first time was nice to see. You should continue to do so, if another mistake gets made in the process of fixing a previous mistake. "A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it, is committing another mistake." - Confucius

  • Heather Hubler10 months ago

    While I think it's greatly appreciated by many that this was addressed so quickly, one of your new picks has a 5-letter word...'still'...

  • Dana Stewart10 months ago

    Congrats to all - and we've all learned something today. Vocal, thanks for making amends. Now it would be really funny if you make this story by Cathy Holmes Top Story -

  • G. Douglas Kerr10 months ago

    Oh wow. So unexpected! Thanks for nice write up. Congrats to all the winners. There's a lot of good work here.

  • Thavien Yliaster10 months ago

    I got so many screenshots, with the calendar and dates along with the urls included within. Every now and then a bit of manna falls from heaven, and sweet mercy, You can't hide these kernels of truth. You wouldn't reply to my emails after the first haiku challenge, the High-Ku challenge. Then You make articles not actually telling the Vocal Creators about how You actually count syllables. You continue to break Your own official rules. Thank goodness I already have a copy downloaded and screenshotted.

  • Congratulations Everyone ✨🎉👌

  • These new challenges look interesting!

  • Kristen Balyeat10 months ago

    Congrats Winners! Can't wait to read these!

  • Hannah Moore10 months ago

    Thank you so much Vocal, I'm so thrilled!

  • ThatWriterWoman10 months ago

    Congratulations to the winners! Well done everyone! Some really great pieces here!

  • Ashley Lima10 months ago

    Congratulations to all the winners!

  • Cathy holmes10 months ago

    Congrats to the winners. Well done. I have to each Dean's sentiments. Why do you keep ignoring your own rules, Vocal?

  • Dean F. Hardy10 months ago

    5 letter words all over the shop. Are we just gonna pretend they're not there? Seriously, what's the point of having the challenge... Don't want to take away from the efforts of the writers who entered their work and have been rewarded. Kudos to you all, honestly. But, fuck me am I right 😂 And I know it's a heap of entries to read through. I get it. Mistakes happen. But c'mon. What was the point of the challenge if your own judges are just pissing the rules against the wall. And everyone is terrified to point it out because they're afraid they won't get picked as a winner next 😂

  • Babs Iverson10 months ago

    Congratulations!!! How many letters are there in a four letter word? Cards!

  • Paul Stewart10 months ago

    Congratulations to all the winners and runners up!

  • Dana Crandell10 months ago


  • Gina C.10 months ago

    Congratulations to all the winners and runner ups! 🤗❤️

  • Judey Kalchik 10 months ago


  • Kendall Defoe 10 months ago

    Well done, folks!

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