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The Forest Edge

Story 8/40 in The Forty Weeks Challenge

By D. D. LeePublished 21 days ago 2 min read

Only darkness lay there

A place filled with mysteries and unknowns

He stood there, staring, taking in the sights

On the forest edge


From the shelter of his home

Percival had heard it there

Something familiar, something strange

On the forest edge


Then came a calling,

He heard another calling

His mother called, “Percival Dear”

Come back, back away from that forest edge


In the darkness of night

He would gather the trash

At his home that sat, not too far

From the forest edge


He had always been wary of it

Fearful of what may lie within

Never knowing who or what

Sat in wait, behind the forest edge


He dared not stray too far from home

Nor venture close

There were hauntings there

On the forest edge


He moved with haste

Percival worked fast-paced

To get back inside

Safe away from the forest edge


But it called to him

His name carried in the wind

“Come here to us, with us here”

Here beyond the forest edge


Mother watched from the window

Sat watching her son be swayed

Drawn in closer yet still

To the forest edge


Percival had seen them there

Creeping and sneaking there

Running up and down

They ran all around the forest edge


“Come here to us, yes with us”

“Percival. No dear! Not there.”

“Please. No son” mother cried

As Percival moved steadily closer to the forest edge


"Yes Percival, come closer still

Listen as I call to you

Follow my voice, let it guide you here

Here with us on the forest edge"


Percival fought and refused

But with all his might he could not turn back

Each footstep meant a second sooner

He’d be lost to the forest edge


It was the fear in him

He feared the worst

That had to be the explanation for it all

What he heard, what drew him near, to the forest edge


There was no fight great enough

No cry loud enough

Any refusal strong enough

To keep Percival from the forest edge


Now he stood idly there

Right up against the darkness

And it greeted him there

Mother, still watching from her window

As her son disappeared beyond the dark, forest edge


Inspiration for this story/poem came about one night when I sat in my room staring at the forest behind my house. I allowed myself to fall into the tricks of my mind. As the shadows swayed and shifted, I envisioned beings scurrying up and down the forest edge. Some stood still, others retreated into darkness. But, all were ominous and mysterious.

+++++++NEXT STORY++++++++

[May 19, 2024]


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About the Creator

D. D. Lee

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  4. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  5. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

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Comments (5)

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  • Sandra Tena Cole18 days ago

    So evocative x

  • Lost to the forest edge, drawn in by shadows of the trees and nature..

  • The Dani Writer20 days ago

    A unique infrastructure of poetic storytelling. You have elements here that are quite compelling.

  • This was beautifully done! It felt like a lullaby that itself was drawing me into the forest edge. Nice touch!

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