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p a u s e

stream of consciousness

By Kristen BalyeatPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 2 min read
p a u s e
Photo by Marc Newberry on Unsplash

slow down




b r e a t h e




savor this

m o m e n t




sit with the

n o w




reject the

n e e d

to rush




r e f u s e

to be

f r a z z l e d





m o v e


l i f e


f a s t




what if

t h i s

day was

i t





l a s t




how would you

c h o o s e




to spend your

m o m e n t s





t h r o u g h








r e l i s h i n g




stop and

o b s e r v e





w a y


f e e l s




to do a

t a s k




resist the

u r g e




to get done

q u i c k l y




enjoy the

p r o c e s s


d o i n g




turn your

t h o u g h t s

to your

b o d y




to the

s e n s a t i o n


n o w





p a u s e




you are not

d e a d








e n j o y


s e c o n d

for what it

i s




it is

h e r e




it is

n o w




soon this

m o m e n t


j u s t




be a

t h o u g h t




in your

h e a d








e n j o y


n o w




it is

r e a l




it is the

o n l y

thing that

i s


Author's Note: I have been busier than ever lately, rushing through my days trying to complete all of the holiday responsibilites. Shop for gifts, make the cookies, buy the food, clean, send the cards, wrap... and hurry up!

NOT enjoying, just getting through.

What fun is that?

Not to be morbid, but sometimes thinking about my mortality helps kick me back into a here and now mindset. If this truly were my last day, how different would my moments be? Would wrapping gifts be a chore to get through, or would I think of each cut of the paper as a special experience?

Just some food for thought as you feel pressure to do more, especially with Christmas approaching.

If nothing else, just a minute to stop and tune in to YOU.

By Aaron Burden on Unsplash

For more beautifully meditative moments, check out these gorgeous pieces by some amazing humans:


About the Creator

Kristen Balyeat

Words fly to me on the wind, bump into me as I'm strolling the city, splash me in the face while I rest by the river, and shake me awake in the middle of the night– I’m humbly one of the many vessels they use to come to life.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (13)

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  • Heather Hubler4 months ago

    Lovely and helped me relax for a moment. I feel all my days are frantic anymore even with the holidays over. I appreciated this gentle reminder. Hope you're doing well, my friend :)

  • Dana Crandell5 months ago

    A much-needed reminder in the current chaos. Thanks for this, my friend!

  • This is splendid. A message we all need to hear from time to time. I like how you structured this to give a flow of relaxation. I love the part "turn your t h o u g h t s to your b o d y to the s e n s a t i o n of now". It's so important to remember your own being in the present time. Your note at the end was helpful in bringing your message together. I also appreciate your language - easy for anyone to understand - no matter the reading level. I think that is so important when you're writing a message that you want people to get and understand. Sometimes the big fancy Awards just get in the way of what you're trying to say. Excellent work!!!

  • Grz Colm5 months ago

    This is incredibly apt for everyone! I liked “reject the n e e d to rush”! Why do we feel the need to do this..what is it in our genes.. some survival mechanism cross wired that achieves the opposite? I also have alway loved the word frazzled. I think you have used it before and I commented on it then too lol. 😄 What you have done with the layout really made me slow down my thoughts! Bravo. Feeling rushed in the head today as if I have to get ALL the things done in my life before that dang clock strikes! 😅😆 I’m so sorry I missed this one earlier & thanks so much for the shout out. Thats truly very kind of you. Much appreciated buddy. I also hope you take your own medicine.. that is what people told me about the self sabotage piece I did a little while ago. I’m sorry you have not been enjoying things as much as you would have liked Kristen..but maybe slowing down will actually allow us to be doing more of the things we enjoy. Best vibes sent your way!! ☺️👍

  • Morgana Miller5 months ago

    Ooo this is a really welcome reminder, especially for this time of year. I loved how you used the structure to slow the reader down. Also, on the subject of reflecting on the imminence of death (lol), I’ve been listening to some Brené Brown lately (I’m way late to her party but I love her!), and she mentions how what she calls “wholehearted” (read: generally fulfilled/emotionally healthy) people do tend to reflect on their own mortality and use that knowledge to make choices soooo, you’re not morbid, you’re wholehearted 🙃💕

  • A beautiful guided meditation. The only thing that could make it better would to be able to hear you reading it to us as such. Though when you say, "yet...." Are you sure?

  • Thinking about my mortality works differently for me. I'd be so thrilled I'm gonna die and wouldn't wanna do any work at all but just wanna relax and do nothing, lol. But I'm glad it works for you! I think it would for most people. I'm just wired differently, lol. Your poem was beautiful!

  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    This is gorgeous. As I read I thought of me making cookies today and how I couldn't wait to finish. I have to make more tomorrow and I will remember this piece and try to stay in the moment. Especially since it's my time attempting my Mom's recipes. Thank you for this, my friend.

  • Moe Radosevich5 months ago

    This is the ultimate let off gas apply brake piece I’ve read, I needed this when I was a production supervisor in the mines , very nice my friend, you need not tell me twice, not these days 😊😊👍👍

  • Real Poetic5 months ago

    Thank you for this. Your poems make me stop and think about what really matters and that’s right now. It is all we have and all that is. Perfectly written.

  • JBaz5 months ago

    Your words hold a power that challenges us to enjoy life. I love form in which you chose to write this it added so much.

  • Your description of not being morbid is exactly one of the major tenets of Stoic philosophy. It is only when we can openly and constantly consider death that our life can have meaning and true freedom. I love your focus on actions words in your piece.

  • Paul Stewart5 months ago

    Aw, Kristen, pal. let's just get this out of the way - thank you for the kind words and the shout-out. Now that's out the way. You know how much your stream of consciousness/train of thought free verses inspired me, so you citing mine is lovely and appreciated. This is beautiful and with such a fine use of brevity...something I know, from what you've said in the past, that we both suffer from being overly wordy. lol. This is just perfect, Kristen. Thank you for this and well done. Also...as a sidenote...you said you don't like your voice...I happened to find a video with you speaking lol...randomly I know...but your speaking voice sounded fine lol. Would go well with your work. That's my two cents/pence whatever. Anyway, wonderful work as ever.

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