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A RubyRed Original Poem

By Ruby RedPublished 2 months ago 1 min read
Photo by Marco Bianchetti on Unsplash


clinging quietly

twitching grips of future pain

invisible loss already in mourning

thickening silences

thickening "happy" silences

what else is there to do?

grip tighter

possessive nails

and searching pupils

nothing's wrong

nothing's there

until later

until later; the time to morn


LhOaVtEe you.

i need you.

a single lifeline

that lasting bond

it will survive

hide the wishing heart

and shelter the grief with joy

LhOaVtEe the moments left

and what is here now

is there no reason for me to keep you?

resist the twisting

snatching for freedom

but i need you.

i LhOaVtEe you.

cracking goes deeper, but it knows nothing


nothing of the world.

nothing coming forward

i LhOaVtEe the someone to be here

i LhOaVtEe what will come

the testing of time

with it

is the stress

and pain.

how could i ever trust that much?

forever and now and always and,

and crying and cracking and nothing

fine fine fine..

i know there is nothing but whatever i feel for you

and it is a burning so glistening

it stings my tears

and melts my core

the sun's empty gifts

bring nothing

how can someone LhOaVtEe so much?

why when i need you?

why if you'll be gone?

i LhOaVtEe

no one

and nothing

and everyone

and everything

and it all. always and forever and now and then and-

what else is there to do?

but drop my arms and submit to the riptides.

what's one more crack?

what difference would it make?

when i could just wish..

that i could keep you.

i still need you.

sad poetrysocial commentaryFree Verse

About the Creator

Ruby Red

"All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players:

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts."

- William Shakespeare

Consider this a doorway to my heart and soul. 🌱

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