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Nail Your Content Game: The No-BS Guide to Content That Sells

Unlock the underground tricks to viral fame

By Rick MartinezPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Content writing is not for the faint-hearted.

It demands guts to stand out and courage to be different. The digital world is unforgiving, swallowing dull, uninspired writing whole. Only the bold survive.

I'm offering you the armor to conquer this world.

Stuck on what to write about?

Want to churn out content that grabs and hooks your perfect crowd? I'm about to break down how to do just that, using tips from a recent online training I stumbled upon.

Here's what you'll learn to do:

- Zero in on who you're talking to

- Dig up what clicks with them

- Write stuff that teaches and convinces

- Lay it out so it's a breeze to read

- Get your content out there like a boss

Stick to these steps, and you're golden. You'll be cranking out content that doesn't just draw readers - it turns them into buyers and die-hard fans.

Step 1: Who's Your Crowd?

First up, figure out who you're aiming at. You gotta be razor-sharp here. You gotta have a crystal-clear idea of your perfect reader. Know them in and out.

Do you know who needs what you've got?

What drives them? What scares them? What do they hope for? Who are the leaders they trust and follow?

Find answers to these questions and use that knowledge to craft content specifically for them.

Think about:

- Their niche or industry

- Their headaches or dreams

- Where they're at in their biz journey

- Their big growth goals

Get down to the nitty-gritty. This way, your content's gonna hit home.

Step 2: What's Their Jam?

Now that you know your crowd, find out what floats their boat. Get into their heads to dig up what they're hungry for.

This will give you an idea of their interests, struggles, and what keeps them up at night. Use this information to create content

- Check out social feeds of big shots in your niche. What's getting likes?

- Scour forums and groups for common gripes and questions.

- Peep at your rivals' sites and blogs for what's trending.

This homework gets you the inside scoop on what your audience is really after.

Step 3: Teach and Win Them Over

Time to get down to writing. But hey, don't just rehash stuff. Make your content pop. These three things will help you do that:

- Be super practical: Give readers actionable steps to solve their problems.

- Share unique perspectives: Show them a new angle they haven't seen before.

- Leverage your expertise: Prove why you're the go-to person on this topic.

This is how you build trust and credibility with your audience. You're not just selling to them - you're offering value and building a relationship.

Step 4: Make It Snappy

How your content looks matters big time.

Use headings, bullets, bold text, and pictures to make it easy on the eyes.

Readers wanna skim before they fully dive in. So make that possible for them.

A few formatting must-dos:

- Keep sections short and sharp

- Use numbered lists for how-tos

- Highlight key points in bold

- Roll out visuals that matter

- Break up text with subheadings

Smart formatting means your readers grasp and remember more.

Step 5: Share and Remix

Don't just drop your content and ghost. Blast it across your socials, email lists, and maybe even ads. Make it a big deal on your website.

Here's three nuggets to chisel your content in stone:

- Vary where you post and what format you use. A blog post can become a podcast or video.

- Repurpose older content by updating it with new info, visuals or examples.

- Rinse and repeat when needed. If something worked great - do it again!

You know how much time and energy goes into creating killer content. Don't let it just sit there - make it work for you and reach as many people as possible.

Think about turning your content into different formats - social posts, videos, slides, or podcasts. This gets you more mileage out of the same good stuff.

The final word

Crafting killer content takes some elbow grease, but this game plan will get you there.

Know your audience, figure out what sticks, write persuasive stuff, make it easy to read, and spread the word far and wide.

Follow these steps, and you're all set to create content that teaches, sways, and turns readers into loyal followers and customers.

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About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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