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love in pouring rain


By jalur hujanPublished 29 days ago 1 min read

Alright, so picture this: It's one of those classic rainy days where the sky is a moody shade of gray and the rain is coming down in sheets. And in the midst of all this dreariness, there's this guy, let's call him Max. Now, Max isn't exactly having the best day. He's stuck in traffic, his umbrella just flipped inside out, and to top it all off, his phone decides to die on him. Great, right?

But just when Max is about to throw in the towel and call it a day, he spots her. Her being Mia, a total ray of sunshine in the middle of a downpour. She's standing there at the bus stop, completely unfazed by the rain, with a smile that could light up the whole dang city.

So, being the spontaneous guy that he is, Max decides to throw caution to the wind and make his move. He dashes across the street, dodging puddles like a pro, and ends up right beside Mia. And let me tell you, sparks fly.

They start chatting, laughing, and before they know it, they're sharing stories like they've known each other for years. And the rain? It's pouring harder than ever, but they couldn't care less. In fact, they're having the time of their lives, dancing in the rain like a couple of kids without a care in the world.

As they wait for the bus together, Max realizes something. Maybe getting caught in the rain wasn't so bad after all. Maybe it was exactly what he needed to meet someone as incredible as Mia. And as they exchange numbers before parting ways, Max can't help but feel like maybe, just maybe, this rainy day might turn out to be the best day of his life.

LoveHistoricalFan Fiction

About the Creator

jalur hujan

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