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Universal Rage

By Isabella RosePublished 28 days ago Updated 28 days ago 3 min read
Top Story - May 2024

My fingers dance across the yellowed pages of the library’s archaic volumes. Despite the candle illuminating the shelves, I’m not searching for a book. Instead, I’m relentlessly investigating the halls for a door to run from the horrible reality that consumed all our lives.

My mind whirled with memories of the tragedy, an event that the government would refer to as an “unusual incident.” The cause was unknown, and my fellow bookworms were left to gawk at the glowing and swirling masses of light that formed all over the world, and unfortunately for us, many were steadily devouring wooden beams and pages of literature next to us. Some blamed the recent Eclipse, others turned to religion, and many ignored it, that is, until the shining rings began to grow.

“I bet she’s the cause of all this,” boomed a voice behind me, making me bump into the nearest red oak table.

Turning to look at his face, which was etched with hard lines and worry, I mumble, not trying to hide the annoyance in my voice, “Eddie, I’m sure a teen romance writer can rip the very fabric of the universe.”

Tightly clenching my arm, he continues, “Kat, I’m serious. Ever read her stories? They make you doubt reality. Can you explain why these holes came as soon as this lady did?”

As a Pulitzer Prize winner, right before the disaster, she presided over the tower of her glossy manuscripts like a queen of her own making, eagerly handing each signed copy to her loyal readers. They devoured her words like the ravenous wolves found within her stories. Teens were her prime market, and one that was ripe for harvesting despite the buzzing of technological distractions. Her empire was secured and sealed with excited chatter of “Abagail’s crazy plot twists” echoing throughout school halls.

I enter the lobby with Eddie lumbering behind me. A chair and table are abruptly caught in the grip of the monstrous hole. The sound of Abagail’s shoes makes a steady click on the marble floor as she approaches the spinning vortex. A sensation like the warmth of the sun can be felt emanating from the growing orb. Eddie reaches for Abagail in some desperate attempt to find solace, to gain equilibrium, or to rage at a situation which was out of his control.

Turning to face the devouring chasm, the distinguished writer whispers into the void, “I know this. I know…”

Her voice is drowned out by the crunching of wood and destroyed books. My mind races to find safety as the floor rumbles beneath my feet.

“You do know! You did this to all of us. You think you’re all mighty because your fans bow at your feet, you, crazy, reclusive…” Eddie’s hands reach for the author’s lace-adorned neck. Seemingly unaware of his mundane threat, Abagail remains paralyzed by fear, looking deep within the never-ending void.

The faces around me become distorted with fear as the swirling mass begins to rip the tiles from the concrete just ahead of our feet. People slide into me, as if they were mere dominos, in a desperate attempt to survive the swirling chaos. I slam into the hard wall behind me as a middle-aged man squeezes into me, pressing his hard chest into my neck. I elbow him hard to take a gulp of air. We are cattle who are now corralled together in fear, stripped of our pride, ego, and humanity.

“Humanity has brought about its own demise,” Abagail whispers.

Her anxiety-ridden cackle and the final crash assaults my ears. It is the end.

MicrofictionSci FiFantasy

About the Creator

Isabella Rose

I am a dedicated author with a passion for fiction. I own a joint business with my amazingly talented co-writer and poet, Raven Black.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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Comments (15)

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  • angela hepworth17 days ago

    Congrats on TS! Super thought provoking piece.

  • Rubesh18 days ago

    It taught me to be mindful of who I admire and why.🖤

  • Anna 20 days ago

    Congrats on Top Story!

  • Carol Townend22 days ago

    This was a very engaging piece and a well-deserved top story. I hope to read more from you.

  • Christy Munson22 days ago

    Loved your story! Great writing. Congratulations on Top Story! 🥳

  • Hannah Moore22 days ago

    This is both funny and horrifying!

  • Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • Andrea Corwin 23 days ago

    Also, congrats on TS!! 🎉

  • Andrea Corwin 23 days ago

    Not the libraries, noooooo! Get away Abagail!

  • Some writers can make you doubt reality lol Neil Gaiman does this for me in a perfect way

  • Margaret Brennan23 days ago

    congratulations on TS. and to think, I still enjoy visiting the library. I might want to rethink that. haha LOVE the story.

  • Ameer Bibi23 days ago

    The story was interesting because it described how a famous person can get into trouble if they aren't careful. I realized the importance of analyzing things and not blindly following someone we like. It was a good read.

  • Rosie𐙚26 days ago

    Such an intense and interesting read!!

  • Oooo, Abagail seems like an interesting person for me to aspire to be. Hehehehhehehe. Your story was fast-paced and suspenseful. I enjoyed it so much My Sinister Friend!

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