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This is Tomorrow ... Wishing You Were Here

Another Seven Days In Excavation From Ten Years Ago

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 16 days ago 3 min read
An AI Image By The Author


A Seven Days In blog post on my birthday from ten years ago with a few of my favourite things, showing that I was up for challenging myself creatively then, and my favourite things are still my favourite things.

This is Tomorrow ... Wishing You Were Here

This post is part challenge but part something I want to do. It's my birthday and usually, you do something special on your birthday. I'm starting this at 6.10 am and will finish it tonight. The challenge, as I said before, is to write my best blog post ever, but how do you do that? Should it be short and punchy, should it be epic and informative? I know it will be somewhere in between as I have had some thoughts about it and now is the time where the words have got to flow from my fingers to produce this post. The thing is, it won't be edited, these are the words that are coming out, and this is actually part of what may be my best post ever, although you can always say that because if you check out my first posts, they were quite brief, and the observations of single points usually.

Today I tend to ramble a bit more like today was my birthday and had a lovely surprise at work when my friends bought me a very nice cake which I managed to divide up using plastic knives (we really need to get real knives) , also I have had lots of messages from lovely friends around the world, and close to home, which gives a wonderful feeling that there is so much love and goodwill among the people I know. I always try to be positive and look for the good in things and today, and the past couple of weeks have made that extremely easy for me.

So what makes a good blog post, I've not written fiction, and reporting on something (like the awesome GOAT gig on Monday with my friends Jon and Julie is not a thing for something memorable, the gig itself was memorable but my scribblings could never really do it justice.

So what is left, well it's good to keep positive and throughout like there are often things that aren't people that have an effect on you and are things that you want to share with others and one of the best things in life is sharing things with people, because that gets you talking and helps with the initial lasting hooks and threads of friendships and relationships. It may be a place, an event, a book, a TV program or a film. All of these things we can all share in.

The sentiment at the top is from a Bryan Ferry song, not one of my favourites but a wonderful line and sometimes you would just love people to be here with you but that cannot be because of where they are or what they are doing. It's not a bad thing and it is good to have that desire because it will get you out and get you socialising. So if you don't know these are a few of my favourite things:

BOOK: Imajica by Clive Barker.

It's fantasy, it's big, it's full of love, sex, magic, adventure and a huge circular multiverse and I never tire of it and love going back to revisit.

It has similarities with other books such as Lord of The Rings and His Dark Materials, both of which I love but this is my personal favourite and will hopefully be reading it again soon.

FILM: True Romance by Tony Scott.

With a Tarantino script and an A-list cast of thousands, or it seems like that. You get romance, a Mexican stand-off, the ghost of Elvis, Dennis Hopper as a good guy, Gary Oldman as a white negro rasta drug dealer, a comic shop, Brad Pitt stoned on a couch and Patricia Arquette taking out James Gandolfini with a cistern top. And that's not the half of it, add a lovely theme from Hans Zimmer and a top soundtrack and you have a perfect film.

ALBUM: Future Games by Spirit.

Basically. this is an aural film with vague Star Trek and Muppets connections, going into trippy psychedelia but always lovely and perfect listening. The film snippets were later picked up by bands like Big Audio Dynamite, and I love them too, but the Spirit album is always with me and will always be my favourite.

So that's a few things that I like to give you a small insight into me. I hope you found this interesting, but be positive and look forward to tomorrow because there are always great things waiting around the corner, it's just sometimes you have to go and find them, and when you do it feels absolutely brilliant.

Stream of ConsciousnessSecretsHumanityFriendship

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Carol Townend8 days ago

    Your story is very descriptive, with lots of good points. It tells us quite a bit about what you like, and it is a very engaging read. I enjoyed reading it, and it is things like this, that most people like to read, because it shows us who you are as a person, and tells us about films you love.

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