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Clocking Out of the Supernatural

Clocking Out of the Supernatural

By ANNA CORALPublished 14 days ago 3 min read

Chloe wasn't your average thirteen-year-old. Sure, she enjoyed the occasional pop song and had a questionable obsession with glitter, but her true passion lay in the realm of the extraordinary – specifically, unearthing evidence of the supernatural. Her bedroom resembled a cluttered museum of the peculiar: a jar of "ghost breath" (stale air), a collection of "alien antennae" (twisted pipe cleaners), and a framed photo of her neighbor Mr. Johnson (labeled "possible vampire – sleeps all day").

One rainy afternoon, boredom gnawed at Chloe like a particularly stubborn hangnail. Rain lashed against her window, mimicking the dramatic soundtrack playing in her head as she surveyed her "evidence." A sudden flash of lightning illuminated a dusty corner, revealing a forgotten relic – a dusty, leather-bound book titled "Grandma Beatrice's Guide to Otherworldly Oddities."

Grandma Beatrice, a woman rumored to chase squirrels with a badminton racket and converse with pigeons, was a legend in Chloe's family. Now, armed with her eccentric grandma's guide, Chloe felt a surge of excitement. Tonight, the ordinary would be vanquished!

Her first target: the town's supposedly haunted clock tower. Legend whispered of a spectral clockmaker trapped within, forever tinkering with the hands of time. Sneaking out after dark, clad in a black trench coat (borrowed, slightly oversized, from her older brother), Chloe felt like a miniature detective.

Reaching the clock tower, a shiver ran down her spine. The air hung heavy with the scent of moss and mildew. Chloe fumbled with the rusty lock (courtesy of a well-placed paperclip and a bobby pin – skills honed from years of "mission: impossible" reenactments). The creaking door swung open, revealing a dusty staircase that spiraled upwards.

With each step, the air grew colder. Finally, Chloe reached the top – a vast, circular room filled with countless clocks, their hands frozen in time. In the center, a lone figure hunched over a massive clock face, muttering to himself.

"Aha!" Chloe whispered, her heart pounding. "The ghost clockmaker!"

Suddenly, the figure straightened, revealing a man with a bushy white beard and a startled expression. He wore a stained overalls and a frown that could rival a thundercloud.

"Who are you?" he boomed, his voice echoing in the vast chamber.

Chloe, momentarily forgetting her carefully rehearsed speech, blurted out, "I'm Chloe, and I'm here to capture your spectral essence!"

The man blinked. "Spectral essence?" he rumbled, then burst into a booming laugh that rattled the dusty clocks. "Child, there's no such thing as a ghost in this clock tower."

Confused, Chloe stammered, "But… the legend… the trapped clockmaker…"

"Legend?" The man chuckled. "I'm Harold, the clock repairman. Been stuck here finishing this blasted clock for the town hall. Rain flooded the basement, locked me in. Phone's dead, too."

Chloe's face burned with embarrassment. Here she was, ready to battle a spectral entity, only to find a disgruntled repairman on overtime. As Harold regaled her with tales of his leaky thermos and the stubbornness of antique clocks, Chloe realized a valuable lesson – sometimes, the extraordinary hides in the most ordinary places.

The next morning, Chloe sheepishly returned home (Harold, thankfully, had a spare key). Her "ghost-hunting" career might have hit a major snag, but she had a new story for her collection – the night she "rescued" a grumpy clock repairman from a haunted clock tower (with some artistic embellishments, of course).

News of Chloe's "heroic act" spread like wildfire. Mr. Johnson, ever the conspiracy theorist, started leaving her bowls of "vampire repellent" (garlic popcorn). The town baker gifted her a giant "ghost-shaped" cookie. And while Chloe never unearthed a real ghost (or alien), she discovered something far more valuable – the power of humor, the importance of a good story, and maybe, just maybe, a newfound respect for the often-overlooked heroes of the everyday world, like grumpy clock repairmen with leaky thermoses.

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I am a writer at vocal.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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